*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Diabetes, check.

Haha! I deserved it after the weekend I had. Also had a monster DL session!

Last night went well! Everything Paused and really focused on leg drive and form.

5 × 72.5
5 × 90
3 × 110
5 × 135
5 × 145
8 × 155

Partials (from mid knee height) 18"

1x225 PB
1x230 F Just :(

10 × 110
10 × 110
10 × 110
10 × 110
10 × 110

Hanging raises 7 sets of 10

Hands are really paying for it today got some nice blisters and forearm Doms :D Going to smash the 200kg barrier soon!
No carbs after 7pm :D I always love that little myth, so funny when you hear people recommend it or say carbs before bed means instant obesity
I eat around 9-10 most evenings, straight after the gym, for the past 8 months and I have done nothing but loose (what little I had anyway) fat and gain muscle.
I have found with eating that late that I have to force food down me in the mornings though...

First 5x5 session last night, enjoyed it, but not enough DOMs today so need to up the weights next time :p
And the first time I have done barbell benchpress for about 10 months, not massive weight but straight in at 80kg around BW, quite pleased with that, hopefully it will keep increasing!
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not enough DOMS? I've had friggin leg DOMS since Mondays session.

5x5 110kg Squats, I was expecting leg DOMs today, nothing, disappointed, wasted session if I can get off the toilet the next day without pain :(

In hindsight it should have been at least 130kg, but having never done 5x5 before I was not sure what to expect.
No carbs after 7pm :D I always love that little myth, so funny when you hear people recommend it or say carbs before bed means instant obesity

It makes me sweat buckets if I have too many carbs at night - that's why I try and avoid them late at night - however they help me sleep.

It makes me sweat buckets if I have too many carbs at night - that's why I try and avoid them late at night - however they help me sleep.


Oh yeah, not saying they don't cause some negatives for people. Just when people say "No carbs after 7", they're talking purely about weight gain, which is absolute *******

I'd like to make you sweat buckets after 7pm
Oh yeah, not saying they don't cause some negatives for people. Just when people say "No carbs after 7", they're talking purely about weight gain, which is absolute *******

I think its a generalization, the fact remains that a packet of crisps before bed or some biscuits is a staple for many who wish to lose weight, if they avoided this they would be in better shape. When on a controlled diet like many of us we can really eat whatever and whenever within the constraints of either cals/macros/time
It's not a generalisation at all. A lot of people truly believe if you eat in the hours leading up to bed it will instantly become fat. Fat which can be turned to muscle when you start working out.
It's not a generalisation at all. A lot of people truly believe if you eat in the hours leading up to bed it will instantly become fat. Fat which can be turned to muscle when you start working out.

Yeah when I work 8am-8pm and it's a workout day I'm in the gym just before 9pm, get out when it closes at 10pm then eat my biggest, most carb-heavy meal before 11pm (3-11pm feeding window), then go to bed.

Everyone at work is forever telling me how bad it is that I eat so late and go to bed on a full stomach... brb lost at least 8kg+ of fat since June whilst going from having never set foot in a gym/using a barbell, to squatting/deadlifting just over x1.5 my bw - admittedly a paltry 62kg, 5"8 manlet - but still, my first 5 months going okay...) whilst you all sit around eating donuts every day.

*strokes belly after inhaling chicken, pasta, vegetables, fruit, and an epic sludge bowl of shake/oats/more oats a minute ago*
I maintain that the concept of not eating late hardly applies to those of us who are concious of what we eat. You know how when you go to a doctors and say you feel unwell? And they proceed to weigh you? Well, and this annoyed me so much when i found out i was almost kicked out, its so they can see if your eating! People dont know if they are eating!! Let alone what and when! ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!

The idea of not going to bed on a full stomach, or, for the real hardcore advice givers, you know, those who do the crossword in the daily mail, a stomach full of carbs, is a general rule of thumb for those ignorant swathes of human flotsam who plan their diet based solely on "what they fancy".

Dont get me wrong, my roid addled, carb depleted, peudo-science-rage is probably of little consequence to these belly-heavy-man-tittied-puff-balls. Those who cry a little bit inside when they see a mirror, yet still eat a pasty while forcing down a diet coke as compensation. They probably care little for my opinions on carb cycling, macro managment or proper exercise protocols, because they have of course been told with authority, by such prestigious institutions as the daily mail and the BBC, that under no circumstances should you eat before bed. They will tell me as much over a pint as they snaffle a second pack of pork scratchings, sweeping crumbs from their rippling bulge of a belly, assuring me, that since they wont be in bed for hours, they are definitely on a diet.

This is the world at large, everyday folk safe in the knowledge they are fed by trashy media, ignorant of any other reality, any reality more tricky than a good headline.
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