*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Question. Possibly thinking of doing shoulders on Thursday (along with core) and back work on Friday...

No issues doing so I presume? I'll be able to hit my shoulder better on Thursday rather than the Friday I think.
Walking like i need a wheelchair today, 250kg leg press last night for 8. 3.8x my bodyweight I am in a world of pain.
Why would there be any issues :confused: Just train in whatever order you please.

I mean issues as in fatigue/doms the next day while working my back.

Same as working Squats one day then doing heavy deads the next, probably not ideal.

Should have known better than to ask here :p :o
What you do for Shoulders and Back? Only ones I can see crossing over are if you work your rear delts. Just do pressing/pushing for shoulders day and pulling for back, should be fine :) I dont have a dedicated back day, it just gets worked through-out most of the other ones I do (kroc rows on shoulder day, BOR on chest day and pull/chin ups when I remember to fit them in :p)
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What you do for Shoulders and Back? Only ones I can see crossing over are if you work your rear delts. Just do pressing/pushing for shoulders day and pulling for back, should be fine :)

I think he means shoulder and core on Thursday, then back on Friday!

I'm not really one to talk as I am an insane ultranoob... but Delvis you sure do love changing things up a lot. One thing I've noticed with this game is that people who tend to change things around all the time tend to progress really slowly. Maybe try sticking to something reaaaaaaaaaal simple for a while? The fact that you're asking in here about whether it would cause any issues rings alarm bells with me too, maybe if you stuck to one routine for a long period of time these things would begin to come naturally instead of constantly wondering this, that, and all the rest.
I think he means shoulder and core on Thursday, then back on Friday!

I'm not really one to talk as I am an insane ultranoob... but Delvis you sure do love changing things up a lot. One thing I've noticed with this game is that people who tend to change things around all the time tend to progress really slowly. Maybe try sticking to something reaaaaaaaaaal simple for a while? The fact that you're asking in here about whether it would cause any issues rings alarm bells with me too, maybe if you stuck to one routine for a long period of time these things would begin to come naturally instead of constantly wondering this, that, and all the rest.

Please enlighten me as to when I last changed my program? It was over 6 months ago. :) The core exercises have always been the same.

But yes, I normally do my shoulders on my back day.
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What you do for Shoulders and Back? Only ones I can see crossing over are if you work your rear delts. Just do pressing/pushing for shoulders day and pulling for back, should be fine :) I dont have a dedicated back day, it just gets worked through-out most of the other ones I do (kroc rows on shoulder day, BOR on chest day and pull/chin ups when I remember to fit them in :p)

Shoulders I tend to do DB press or BB press/OHP, side raises or front raises, sometimes arnold press.

Back I do deadlifts, BORS, DB rows, sometimes rear flyes.

But cheers, I'll bear it in mind :)
I think he means shoulder and core on Thursday, then back on Friday!

I'm not really one to talk as I am an insane ultranoob... but Delvis you sure do love changing things up a lot. One thing I've noticed with this game is that people who tend to change things around all the time tend to progress really slowly. Maybe try sticking to something reaaaaaaaaaal simple for a while? The fact that you're asking in here about whether it would cause any issues rings alarm bells with me too, maybe if you stuck to one routine for a long period of time these things would begin to come naturally instead of constantly wondering this, that, and all the rest.
It's a fair enough comment, but the factor you haven't considered is that Delvis loves to worry. This is a natural symptom of being a Delvis, which only makes us love him more.
pft! do some squats at 3.8 BW then I'll be impressed :p
I think I once leg pressed >400kg, which like 5xBW :eek:;)
(leg press weights mean nothing Kai, too much machine variation, you should know this by now!)

I was going to make a joke about doing 1000kg on a horizontal plate loaded leg press, but I'm not sure if that's only funny in my head :(
I'm only teasing mate ;)

The only conflict you might have is having deadlifts follow your core work. Rear delt needs all the smashing it can get.
I find doing some sets of good mornings after my deads very good. End up with some nice doms the next day ;) only light thou starting at 20 upto around 35kg. They also helped me break though 155 on the deads which i was stuck at for a few months.
I normally do core on Thursday anyway, so should be no change there other than the extra work added by more shoulder work.

I'll play around tonight and see how things go. Just figured I'd get more focus on my shoulders doing them Thursday
Please enlighten me as to when I last changed my program? It was over 6 months ago. :) The core exercises have always been the same.

But yes, I normally do my shoulders on my back day.

I don't really follow anyone's routine at all, I just see you saying "Tried this today" all the time.
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