So, trusted gym brahs. I've been doing Stronglifts since June when I was completely new to lifting, doing a Leangains style, cut-emphasised recomp.* Lost about 10kg of fat and gained on all my lifts (e.g. 60kg deadlift at around 70kg is now a 105kg deadlift at around 60kg). I feel like I'm still making progress, albiet more slowly (e.g. my squat knackers me now so I wonder if it's affecting my others lifts on the same day)... I read different things about when to switch routines but I still feel like a beginner... thoughts?
I've looked at Mehdi's rough stats guide for when you're probably not a beginner any more, but equally someone like Rip says that training protocol should really be dependant on a person's ability to recover and not stats. As I'm cutting more than I'm bulking it's important I don't have too high a volume (and SL is just 3 exercises x3 a week, although I throw in), so possibly some sort of 3 day split based around squat/bench/deadlifts, with a couple of additional compounds on each day to pad it out. Don't want to jump off the SL wagon early though. Gah.
*(as Lylde McD recommends prioritising getting to around 10-12% bf before clean bulking, then cutting if you creep up to 15% bf... and Lylde is the master, plus it's important for psychogical reasons for me to get lean as I've never been anything other than fat, then skinny fat).