*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Interesting experience tonight

The first and only time I've gone commando to the gym, and my shorts split open during my last set of squats

I always joke about balls touching the floor when measuring depth, well that was almost literally the case

happened to me in a game of squash ***k was floppin about everywhere but i won the point, he let me go change after that i was gonna play advantage to be honest.
Interesting experience tonight

The first and only time I've gone commando to the gym, and my shorts split open during my last set of squats

I always joke about balls touching the floor when measuring depth, well that was almost literally the case

This happened to me a few weeks ago! Gym was full too. Thankfully it was only the outer layer that ripped, had my headphones on and could still hear it. :p

Cardio sucks, just done my fitness test absolutely hanging need to work on it more. Too addicted to getting massive brah.

happened to me in a game of squash ***k was floppin about everywhere but i won the point, he let me go change after that i was gonna play advantage to be honest.

Best comment in 2012 gym rats thread! :D
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