*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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opethdisciple, go to wiki and read up on creatine.

also remember that water retention is not permenant, you can easily ditch excess water in a day or two max if you really wanted to!!
It's an interesting thought, I guess - a bit like me wanting to study the qunatitative effect of watching pr0n on people's training and power output over time...

I suppose if one considers that juicers have bigger muscles, those muscles could store more creatine+nound carbohydrate, and more carnosine than 'natty' ones, giving a more pronounced effect?

Not having looked at the effects of cycling on power output vs. natty control gorups, it would be difficult to isolate the effects until you reach a maintenance threshold (i.e. you're as big as you need to be and stop cycling).

There is no harm in using creatine/beta-alanine, and the research does show that - with prlonged use - there are measurable benefits for natural athletes, so I don't see why this shouldn't be amplified for cyclists. Although does the use of AAS change the physiological content of muscle? If so, then this again might mask/neutralise any improvements from creatine/BA.

Still, don't know until it's been tried. :)
The water retention is actually helpful (or can be) as it increases blood flow as you train yourself harder.

Water retention as a side effect of Dbol is attributed to the observable strength increase that is seen. That is to say AAS that promote water retention are the ones that most increase immediate strength, one can only assume that the water volume in the muscle in some mechanical way aids its function.

Quite a useful chart
Well water is drawn into the muscles as during the conversion of fats/proteins/carbs for energy it needs water for that to happens. As that process increases, more water is needed - hence why potentially more water is "left" in the cells. Makes sense, and it's no bad thing as it could help reduce DOMS as it could prevent toxin and blood pooling in the tears in the muscle fibres.

Makes sense why dbol and other similar drus would perform in that way.
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