*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Guys, I need to train my grip. Will this work?


well finaly got to the gym after having to blow 2 sessions off, but did have a good one today. although after that set of 140kg deads my grip went to pot and i could only manage 3 at 120 before i had to give up. but making progress so all's good :D

Elliptical Trainer:
0:15:00 || Moderate
0:10:00 || Moderate
Barbell Bench Press:
90 kg x 8 reps
90 kg x 8 reps
90 kg x 8 reps
90 kg x 8 reps
Barbell Squat:
100 kg x 8 reps
100 kg x 8 reps
100 kg x 8 reps
Barbell Deadlift:
120 kg x 8 reps
140 kg x 8 reps
120 kg x 3 reps
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (OHP):
60 kg x 5 reps
What are your goals?

Sorry, took a while to check this thread again!

"Long" time reader, first time poster, was pestered to join by another member :D

Basically I'm looking to pack on some mass. I've been going to the gym for 3/4 months now and so far have just been doing whatever I fancy, now I feel it's time to get following a plan. From what I've read I need to be following a hypertrophy programme of some sorts, any recommendations?

Current state
Around %12 body fat

To give you an idea of my goals, I'd like to be around 90Kg and %10 body fat before uni next year, does this sound feasible?

I was told that was completely unrealistic, and now I've done more research I do realise it is probably un-reachable.

2 months on from that I am now 88kg (average of 2 measurements on 2 consecutive days) and probably still somewhere around %14 bf,but I don't think i've put on any fat as my initial guess was probably a bit lower than the actual.

FF will be happy to know my hammy's are now flexible enough to get my leg straight at 90 degrees to floor with back and pelvis on the ground :P So I can now safely deadlift!
Guys, I've pulled a muscle in my back and it really hurts, even when I breathe. Got a doctors appointment on Thurs.

Should I still go to the gym tonight and do some cardio or should I rest it?
Rest it mate, also I'd go see a physio. A GP generally won't know **** about sports injuries.
They'll probably tickle your feet or something. That's all they do when I went there with a back pain :o

Your feet are fine, so there is nothing seriously wrong with your back. Yeah, thanks
I want to get it looked at properly as its been a reoccurring problem for a while, so may as well use the private health insurance for it.
Fair game, just depends on if you can hold out that long really. :)

Hope it sorts itself

Well the thing is that it does sort itself out after a week or so and I'll be fine for ages, and all of a sudden it just comes back out of nowhere i.e. I dont even do anything to strain it.
Hello all, I'm looking for some advice and I'm thinking this might be the place to ask.

I'm paying £50 a month for a gym membership. I only usually use the dumbells/barbells and benches. However due to work I can only really get there at peak times which means waiting around for equipment etc.

I'm thinking of spending £300 or so to get some stuff to use at home - would this be a reasonable amount to get something? (Im not lifting massive weights)

Also does anyone know if it is possible to cancel gym memberships at Bannatynes before 12 months?

Newcastle? Which Bannatynes do you go to? I'm guessing Durham or Chester-le-street?

But yeah, think you're tied in for the first 12 months, and you have to give a months notice.
BBB is a nightmare, is doing some aux work after it really that bad?

I get itchy and need to do something, don't want to stop.
Chest was today

Warm up


3 x


8 x77.50

( I actually done 10 but I racked the bar as I struggled massively with 8 and had no spotter, got ****** off big style as I knew I could do it, so done another 2)

Then 5x10 45

I then may have done dips at 2x6BW 1x6 5kgs 1x6 10kgs

Incline DBS 3x12 18kgs.

Only my second week on 5/3/1 from the last time, which I only done for two cycles (moving bases, being on leave, courses etc so was off the gym for a bit)
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