Your stuck with a fixed width through the whole movement with a fixed item, with a band your not and this can be beneficial, at least in my opinion anyway
The whole point is that you're creating more flexibility in your shoulders. At the top of the movement where your shoulders are at the limits of their flexibility is where you need to focus on the stretching, so surely this is the widest your grip can be. I can't see why you'd need to stretch the band, as if you can't get it over your head, you're not flexible enough - gotta widen your grip and work on it.
You can go shorter on towels, broom handles, pool cues...
Anyway, I watched this for giggles
Getting skinny guys to bulk up and some seriously built guys to trim down. At one point, one of the big guys is having a discussion with his girlfriend and she just doesn't get the whole heavy weights thing at all. He totally missed a trick not saying "Do you even lift?", but it was the same thing just with other words.
Video is annoying me already. Big guy complaining he needs to get fitter and blaming it on his muscles like its some sort of disease! Erm well get fitter, go do some running, swimming, cardio whatever. Just bloody do it!
Oh yes, it was absolutely rubbish. I just liked the moment where the egotistical guy was talking to girlfriend![]()
Syla5, serious question, do you have any string? And if so....just how long is it?
This sums it up pretty well for me.It was a really annoying show to watch. The concept of having to lose muscle was just stupid. You had one guy who was ex huge bodybuilder who clearly had more experience than 99.99% of people in cutting bodyfat, who achieved all his targets easily even exceding them. Then you had this fat idiot egotistical powerlifter guy who was just plain annoying "i cant lift light weights cos i want everyone to know i can lift heavy", he was a complete moron. Then these 2 skinny guys one a blatant druggie with a bizzarely hot glamour model girlfriend the other a metro sexual quasi-queer who seemed fairly nice, neither of whom had any interest in bulking up but for vanity reasons.
It was just a complete load of tosh with very little science and very little point, i mean the bit where the 6"2 200lb (at the time) ex bodybuilder laments being unable to chase hisdaughter around the garden....what the hell? He's a damn sight lighter than me and probably fitter and i dont have these problems...
argh bloody bbc, bring me a jimmy saville to beat on