*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Pinching plates. Heavy dumbells and heavy bar holds. My grip struggles at anything over 150kg for reps. I have to ditch double oh above 120 (8 reps). In addition to deads it gets trained through the week with rdl's, bb rows, pull ups and a couple of sets of shrugs a week.
I meant, what do you do for "heavy bar holds"?

Plate pinches and DB holds are great, but not as good as BB static holds.
Don't scare me like that
Don't worry, you have to put some weight on the bar for it to be a problem.
Don't worry, you have to put some weight on the bar for it to be a problem.

How often are you doing it? Several sets of that should be enough.

When I did it I think I went heavy enough to fail after 10 seconds, but I varied it too.
The bb holds 2x a week. The rest only on one of the days. I'll have to keep at it I just need to get it up before becoming over reliant on straps. Are the fat gripz a waste then? I was thinking of using them for rows/pullups/rdl's along with warmup deadlifts.

Thanks for the help.
Ravster - looking to keep muscle mass but only squatting 45kg?!

Haha, yeah well it was a "getting back into it" max repetitions session as much as anything... I'm going back to normal numbers next week (100kg Wendler "start" number) to be fair though, squat has always been a weak lift for me regardless (6ft 5 and long ass legs FTL)...

Hoping to hit 160kg Squat by the summer along with a 220kg Deadlift.
your doh grip strength should still improve when using mixed. One of the main benefits of mixed over DOH is that it counters the roll of the bar in your hands, which is normally the main cause of DOH grip failure.

Needless to say DOH until failure then mixed is better then stubborn doh, or full time mixed IMO
Have you been at these numbers previously because if not id say they are.... Optimistic would put you up with the stronger guys in here.

Currently 110kg for 5 squat and 160 for 3 Deadlift.

The 160/220 are targets for 1rm by the summer according to progression on Wendler without any failed weeks/cycles (though i'm fully aware that will happen) Whilst I may not get there I like extravagant targets always helps push me.

As for being amongst the strongest on here, I doubt it some of the numbers and volume put up on here are amazing!
I've had a weird loss of strength in my right arm the past couple of sessions in the gym - really noticeable on OHP but also did bench yesterday and it just felt incredibly weak. No pain, no impinged movement, no pins and needles that would imply a trapped nerve somewhere - it's just being lame. Anyone had anything like this before?
Squats today :) Training partner bailed again though :/

I can't deal with people who spend all week/month/year telling me how much they want to reach X goal only to say on the day that they're too tired >.<

I'll put my extra rage into my squat sets :D
Currently 110kg for 5 squat and 160 for 3 Deadlift.

The 160/220 are targets for 1rm by the summer according to progression on Wendler without any failed weeks/cycles (though i'm fully aware that will happen) Whilst I may not get there I like extravagant targets always helps push me.

As for being amongst the strongest on here, I doubt it some of the numbers and volume put up on here are amazing!

Those numbers aren't that optimistic. I hit those target numbers within 9 months of touching a weight on Starting Strength so I'm sure you can. Depends on your bodyweight obviously.

Wish I was still making gains like that...
Felt a weird clicking pain in my forearm today while training. Was bothering me a bit on my strict press warm-up sets then I busted out 70x8 on my top set for a PB with no pain at all. Pain soon returned during chin ups but just worked through it. See how it feels tomorrow on deads, hopefully just a tweak.
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