*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Those numbers aren't that optimistic. I hit those target numbers within 9 months of touching a weight on Starting Strength so I'm sure you can. Depends on your bodyweight obviously.

Wish I was still making gains like that...
They are slightly optimistic, but definitely achievable assuming good training.
Those numbers aren't that optimistic. I hit those target numbers within 9 months of touching a weight on Starting Strength so I'm sure you can. Depends on your bodyweight obviously.

Wish I was still making gains like that...

I'd say it's very rare for someone to be squatting 160 and pulling 220 within 9 months of picking up a bar without extensive training and a very huge desire to progress.
I'd say it's very rare for someone to be squatting 160 and pulling 220 within 9 months of picking up a bar without extensive training and a very huge desire to progress.

indeed, pulling over 200kgs is significantly harder than pulling up to 200kgs i agree most decent trainees will get up toward 200kgs fairly quickly but breaking through 200kg is a bigger hump than many imagine.
if someone bailed squats on me cos they were too tired i would literally punch them in the head, waste of space find a new partner

Agree fully, getting used to training solo but it makes max attempts risky / few and far between.

Squats flew up today :) if Decembers training goes as well as Novembers it's going to be a great finish to the year.
Agree fully, getting used to training solo but it makes max attempts risky / few and far between.

Squats flew up today :) if Decembers training goes as well as Novembers it's going to be a great finish to the year.

I only get a partner now if I'm doing 1RM, only thing I don't like is my max reps on bench. Not sure if I get more sometimes though, the fear helps.

To go squat tonight, or carry on with my rests. I hate rest days with a passion, I want to squat dammit!
Well Eric Cressey says he can get any healthy man to pull 200 within 6 months. This time last year I was showing my little bro how to deadlift. Within 4 months he pulled 200 then 6 months after that he pulled 260 and now he's training with Andy Bolton.

I think a lot of people hold themselves back worrying about "perfect form" and a fear of bodyfat.
I think a lot of people hold themselves back worrying about "perfect form" and a fear of bodyfat.

It's just about different aims.

Some people are willing to put more risk into not working on form so much, and just want to bulk and lift as much as possible.

Others care more about 'perfect form' and looking good, this means their lifting suffers.

It's just down to what people aim to achieve...

Well Eric Cressey says he can get any healthy man to pull 200 within 6 months. This time last year I was showing my little bro how to deadlift. Within 4 months he pulled 200 then 6 months after that he pulled 260 and now he's training with Andy Bolton.

I think a lot of people hold themselves back worrying about "perfect form" and a fear of bodyfat.

oh i agree fully about people being too careful. Round here its called doing a delvis. I also dont doubt that under a full strength training regimen with the right mindset those figures are more than achievable, my 70Kg brother pulled 200kg within 6 months of training with me.

What i think is you give people too much credit by assuming this is normal. Not to be dismissive of the OP he could well be more dedicated and naturally gifted than any of us and will exceed these numbers. But the odds are he is somewhere in between and as such should consider the targets 'very tough' at best.
Well Eric Cressey says he can get any healthy man to pull 200 within 6 months. This time last year I was showing my little bro how to deadlift. Within 4 months he pulled 200 then 6 months after that he pulled 260 and now he's training with Andy Bolton.

I think a lot of people hold themselves back worrying about "perfect form" and a fear of bodyfat.

To assume that anyone can achieve a 260 pull naturally in a year is naive at best though. Your brother clearly has the right genetics for it - most mortals are nowhere near that lucky and can't reach 260 ever.
Well Eric Cressey says he can get any healthy man to pull 200 within 6 months.
This I would agree with and would probably make the same claim, acknowledging that "healthy man" is a very important stipulation.
This time last year I was showing my little bro how to deadlift. Within 4 months he pulled 200 then 6 months after that he pulled 260 and now he's training with Andy Bolton.
Awesome! I'm fairly sure that my my squatting hero trains at the same place (or at least sometimes with Andy).
I think a lot of people hold themselves back worrying about "perfect form" and a fear of bodyfat.
Well... yeah. That's because it isn't everyone's goal to pull heavy at the expense of everything else.

Form is a little bit more important than you think it is though. Your brother is pulling big because of his form, along with many other factors. Good form lets you use your strengths effectively, and also protects you from injury that would take time out of your training.

Incidentally, a friend of mine who went to train with Cressey was told to stop deadlifting because of his form. He'd recently pulled 232.5kg @ 74kg, but Eric wasn't happy with his form so set about rebuilding it.
Be careful chasing big figures and don't use what you see other people reporting on forums as any kind of gauge for your own goals.

To be honest I take 95% of people's reported lifts with a huge pinch of salt. This is becuase 95% of people I see training in the gym use such poor form I can't even watch!
I spent quite a bit of time working on form, and owe a lot of my lifting success to being able to lift with correct form.
oh i agree fully about people being too careful. Round here its called doing a delvis. I also dont doubt that under a full strength training regimen with the right mindset those figures are more than achievable, my 70Kg brother pulled 200kg within 6 months of training with me.

What i think is you give people too much credit by assuming this is normal. Not to be dismissive of the OP he could well be more dedicated and naturally gifted than any of us and will exceed these numbers. But the odds are he is somewhere in between and as such should consider the targets 'very tough' at best.

Seriously dude, its getting old and damn rite annoying if im honest. Apologies for having a back injury and taking things carefully afterwards, my bad.
Seriously dude, its getting old and damn rite annoying if im honest. Apologies for having a back injury and taking things carefully afterwards, my bad.

I think he's joking.

Ignore it if something on the internet is annoying you, fuel to the fire and all that.
Seriously dude, its getting old and damn rite annoying if im honest. Apologies for having a back injury and taking things carefully afterwards, my bad.

You need to grow a backbone here (fnar fnar) and just accept UEs banter or block him :p
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