*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Well you could matey, just depends entirely on whether or not you want to my strength based or aesthetics based.

Naturally if you go via the strength route you'll get their quicker as you already know :) you can however train with strength in mind and get a good physique out of it, as LiE has and does.

Just train for strength. Strength equals aesthetics anyway and if it doesn't then strength > aesthetics :)

Just be nice if I was strong :p
Just train for strength. Strength equals aesthetics anyway and if it doesn't then strength > aesthetics :)

Just be nice if I was strong :p

Probably will do after Christmas, not sure yet, may do a few more months aesthetics based then switch up to Strength for a change.

As it stands I'm progressing numbers wise, so I'm happy.
These posts are exactly what ensure the word Delvis keeps getting used as a verb. You just reiterated sylas own thoughts in a waffling manner as though it's something new :x :o

Its in the nature of the common delvis to waffle on, disguising oneself as knowledgeable by simply rearranging the knowlege of others and presenting it in an authoritative manner. In the wild, the delvis has been known to impersonate many predatory species by imitating their behaviour, however when it comes to the crunch the subterfuge doesnt last and the delvis escapes harm by complaining about something.
As far as I know, Opeth's only sources for knowing that "squats are bad for [his] right knee" are his Dr and his personal experience. No offence intended to anyone, but neither of these are reliable.

Regardless, your inability to squat (valid or not) is not what is limiting your progress towards a more aesthetic physique.

Nobody including my self, said it was. I'm leg pressing at the moment, which is sufficient.
As far as I know, Opeth's only sources for knowing that "squats are bad for [his] right knee" are his Dr and his personal experience. No offence intended to anyone, but neither of these are reliable.

Regardless, your inability to squat (valid or not) is not what is limiting your progress towards a more aesthetic physique.

Let's stick with that. :)
I think in the same way that a lot of people need to take UE's comments as harmless banter, some also need to acknowledge that Delvis is trying to be supportive.

If you two ever meet, each the antithesis of the other, there will be a Holy Gains Explosion which will bestow PBs and prosperity upon all who witness it.
I'm leg pressing at the moment, which is sufficient.

This is why you will fail, what on earth makes you the authority on what is sufficient? I wasnt aware that we were dealing with an expert in weight training and human physiology here, i thought you were just another hope-hard looking for some beans, ill be off to do my squats now then and in 12 months lets have a compare...
I think in the same way that a lot of people need to take UE's comments as harmless banter, some also need to acknowledge that Delvis is trying to be supportive.

If you two ever meet, each the antithesis of the other, there will be a Holy Gains Explosion which will bestow PBs and prosperity upon all who witness it.

I get it, i really do. But when it is quite literally a rewording of someone's exact thoughts, it's seems pointless and is just making extra crap to get in the way of peoples actual questions etc (i am aware the irony in this post is strong)

Syla: Maybe i should train for strength. How would i go about doing this? - Good question.
Delvis: Well you could train for either depending on what you want to do. If you train for strength directly it will be faster. - Ok he just said that 2 posts ago :confused:


Less banter more training, brb need to eat before i go catabolic.
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Nobody including my self, said it was. I'm leg pressing at the moment, which is sufficient.
Eh? You literally just said that, see:
Squats are bad for my right knee. Cartalidge damage.

So, can you squat? If you can, get on with it!

I was also going to say something like this:
This is why you will fail, what on earth makes you the authority on what is sufficient? I wasnt aware that we were dealing with an expert in weight training and human physiology here, i thought you were just another hope-hard looking for some beans, ill be off to do my squats now then and in 12 months lets have a compare...
There seems to be a common thread of making excuses for yourself in your posts (Opeth not UE, obviously ;)). It seems to crop up when talking about food quite frequently.

You will not be able to cover up simply not wanting to with fuzzy reasoning and bad science here. If you want to make a change with your physique, you're going to have to push yourself REALLY hard, which includes doing things that you don't feel like doing.

^Obviously I'm not suggesting you damage your knee.
I get it, i really do. But when it is quite literally a rewording of someone's exact thoughts, it's seems pointless and is just making extra crap to get in the way of peoples actual questions etc (i am aware the irony in this post is strong)

Syla: Maybe i should train for strength. How would i go about doing this? - Good question.
Delvis: Well you could train for either depending on what you want to do. If you train for strength directly it will be faster. - Ok he just said that 2 posts ago :confused:


Less banter more training, brb need to eat before i go catabolic.

I actually replied to this:

Maybe its time to stop messing about trying to look good and get back to lifting again...

Hence my, if you want to get there quicker, do strength training.

Anyway, can't be arsed with this, squats.
I get it, i really do. But when it is quite literally a rewording of someone's exact thoughts, it's seems pointless and is just making extra crap to get in the way of peoples actual questions etc (i am aware the irony in this post is strong)

Syla: Maybe i should train for strength. How would i go about doing this?
Delvis: Well you could train for either depending on what you want to do. If you train for strength directly it will be faster.


All things weighed up though, I'd appreciate someone's support instead of zero replies. I was rustled when he gave out bad advice (you don't any more Delvis <3), but even then he was still trying to help. It would be a shame if people thought they could be supportive (even if it isn't the most productive support!) and so didn't post.

Not having a go at you either mate, just feel like bro-ing out with the bros.
Eh? You literally just said that, see:


So, can you squat? If you can, get on with it!

I was also going to say something like this:

There seems to be a common thread of making excuses for yourself in your posts (Opeth not UE, obviously ;)). It seems to crop up when talking about food quite frequently.

You will not be able to cover up simply not wanting to with fuzzy reasoning and bad science here. If you want to make a change with your physique, you're going to have to push yourself REALLY hard, which includes doing things that you don't feel like doing.

^Obviously I'm not suggesting you damage your knee.

All I'm saying is that the leg press doesnt cause my knee to hurt fourtunatly, where as squats hurt the knee directly.

Probably becuase on the leg press I am seated, so the pressure is not on the knee but on the quads, where as squats I am standing, so the pressure is being localized throughout the whole leg including the knees.

I'm not making excuses. Excuses would be me saying you know what I'm not going to work my legs at all, as my knee hurt.

But no, I go and do what I can do, I dont think thats me making excuses, I think thats the opposite.

Its better for me to do something, than nothing at all right?


And I dont understand why we have gone in this direction with this conversation. All I was asking for was advice etc... and we ended up arguing. :confused:
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All things weighed up though, I'd appreciate someone's support instead of zero replies. I was rustled when he gave out bad advice (you don't any more Delvis <3), but even then he was still trying to help. It would be a shame if people thought they could be supportive (even if it isn't the most productive support!) and so didn't post.

Not having a go at you either mate, just feel like bro-ing out with the bros.

Fair enough brah.
I seem to have developed a nasty habit of hitting my knees on the way down during deadlifts, not good. Think I'm gonna look into Sumo over the next few weeks with a view to starting it properly after Christmas. I tried a few light reps this morning and it felt very errrrr, hip dominant but my back was so much more vertical and everything just felt better organised.
All I'm saying is that the leg press doesnt cause my knee to hurt fourtunatly, where as squats hurt the knee directly.

Probably becuase on the leg press I am seated, so the pressure is not on the knee but on the quads, where as squats I am standing, so the pressure is being localized throughout the whole leg including the knees.

I'm not making excuses. Excuses would be me saying you know what I'm not going to work my legs at all, as my knee hurt.

But no, I go and do what I can do, I dont think thats me making excuses, I think thats the opposite.

Its better for me to do something, than nothing at all right?


And I dont understand why we have gone in this direction with this conversation. All I was asking for was advice etc... and we ended up arguing. :confused:
People have given you advice before...

But fair enough start up a log and prove me wrong by beasting yourself and making huge progress :)

I still bet you could be squatting with proper instruction, but I understand that this isn't always feasible.
I seem to have developed a nasty habit of hitting my knees on the way down during deadlifts, not good. Think I'm gonna look into Sumo over the next few weeks with a view to starting it properly after Christmas. I tried a few light reps this morning and it felt very errrrr, hip dominant but my back was so much more vertical and everything just felt better organised.
IF you can keep your knees out and hips close to the bar with sumo you'll do well!

To lower conventionally without hitting the knees: RDL from the top and keep the knees back.

Me and Dom are going to video some RDLs this week, I've never seen myself do it before.
I hate the word 'diet' now, I prefer the term 'sort out your lifestyle' :p

As said above, and has been said before I believe, you need to start a log.

'Lifestyle choice' that sounds so pretentious...

Well where am I starting from.

I have low muscle mass. For instance I can only bench around 20kg added to the bar.

Shoulder press is about 5.5kg added to the bar, etc...

So I'm skinny, but do have mediterranean spread on my stomach, which means at the moment my aim is to lose fat.

When I do my swimming, I try to do as many lapse as possible. But fitness will improve through practice.

I do come out of the pool exhausted, and only stopped last time round, when I started getting cramp in my foot. (was close to 45mins anyway)

Diet is one thing that isnt great, but I have cleaned it up.

At the moment, my thoughts are, as long as I am getting stronger and fitter, the diet is ok for the moment.

It's a typical diet, minus, cakes, chocholates, crisps etc.... I try to keep it clean and eat my proteins and greens.

As others have said, track what you're doing diet wise, it's the only way to improve. You seem in a similar situation to me. Feel free to have a look in my log I guess, it might help a bit. I'm doing a look good, but like swimming, so am doing something similar to you.

That said, the diet is something I'm trying to nail, and really is important.

As a side point, just swimming lots of lengths won't be the way forward, try to get some HIIT in there among other things.

if he actually does that i will eat my own hat, no one ever does and as a result they wonder why, a year later, they are still fat/skinny/weak

Somebody must, otherwise no one would be in shape :p

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Just to clear up a couple of points, delvis <3 keep doing what your doing, I appreciate your input, sometimes you still don't think before you type, but your getting better, and this is defiantly something everyone suffers from, myself included.

UE it's getting a lot harder for you to hide your man wood for delvis, I think you two need to book a room one weekend and just get over the hump of this bromance.

As for the train strength if you want strength, come on now guys give me some credit....I was pointing out that in the last 7 months I haven't made an increase on any rep max, and also I was a long way off the 200kg figure that was being totted round as very achievable. My concern is, am I behind what is considered as reasonable progress, and could I achieve/ should I aim to achieve this 200kg in the next 6 months, while retaining reasonably normal bf%/astheic appeal. And if these things are achievable how should I potentially go about doing them.
The other thing that is probably confusing you and making it sound like I am not making progress, is you think I have been training for the last 6 months, but the reality is I am only back in to it for 3 weeks after having a month and a half off. :rolleyes:

I was motivated for about 3 months, but then in September I got very ill, was out for the entire month, but then in October I got lazy..... until finally 3 weeks ago, I got my head together and am back in to it.

And yes, I know that constancy is the key. with out constancy you cant get any where.


And yes I will put up a food diary. Diet is the one thing I struggle with the most. Thats why I thought, that as long as I am getting stronger and fitter, then as long as the diet is fairly clean etc that will be sifficent for the time being.
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OTD get a log going and start actually doing what you are typing you are going to do. Your motivation seems to be lacking, sorry but if your seriously ill for a month you wouldn't be fine again within 3 weeks :( Also, if you ask for advice try following it, rather then ask, say you will, then completely ignore!

Try squatting as well, get videos and post them up in your log, people will give feedback and they will help you. If your the only person telling you you have a serious problem with your squatting then again, I am sorry, but how do you know? Where are you based, are you near another gym rats member who could help?
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