*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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My gym is closed till the 17th for refurbishment :(

It's a shame because i have lost 10 pounds in just over a month so far.
Gonna have to get my running shoes on and also go swimming till it opens up again.

Just watch what you'll eat and you'll be fine.
On topic of side effects, pretty much every surgery has side effect potential, of not waking from anaesthetic...

Anyway, I'm starting to reap endorphin rewards of exercise. Screw DOMS. Endorphins I love you.

Nice shoulder/trap DOMS today though. Mind you my left quad still has an odd twinge in it :s

As said above, plus running outside is much better for you than on the treadmill :)

Just watch what you'll eat and you'll be fine.

Good going, just keep diet on point, exercise is far less important than what you eat in the weight loss game

Thanks guys, i have been eating around 1100 - 1500 calories a day.At first i felt like i was starving but now i don't really notice it gonna try keep it that way till it opens again.

I have been for a 10k run which took me a good hour along the canal and also done an hours swimming (breaststroke) don't know if i need to up my calories as swimming alone for 1 hour is supposed to burn 800 calories!
Thanks guys, i have been eating around 1100 - 1500 calories a day.At first i felt like i was starving but now i don't really notice it gonna try keep it that way till it opens again.

I have been for a 10k run which took me a good hour along the canal and also done an hours swimming (breaststroke) don't know if i need to up my calories as swimming alone for 1 hour is supposed to burn 800 calories!

Skipping is between 20-30calories a minute :)

Plus it feels great when you can skip for more than a minute!
I have been for a 10k run which took me a good hour along the canal and also done an hours swimming (breaststroke) don't know if i need to up my calories as swimming alone for 1 hour is supposed to burn 800 calories!

Does it hell. Well, it might, but I'd add a pinch of salt to any calculations online. I've seen a variety if sources, that to be fair go around 600-1000 for an hour breastroke, but it will really depend on how hard you work. I've also found a couple of reasonable sites suggesting you burn the same amount of calories doing butterfly and front crawl, and others saying you'll burn the same doing breastroke and front crawl, but more doing fly

There's just too many factors really - how much you weigh, how much effort exerted, stroke efficiency, and many other factors.

To be honest, rather than go on what things say you might burn. I'd recommend going off of the scales, the mirror, and body fat %.

I work on an average of 10kcal per 25m length, thats based on many different sites giving different kcals burned per hour of swimming.
as for how many it actually burns, i dont care tbh lol
Hmm, just found out:

Chris Hoy/Jason Kenny, obv use squats as their main lift, but they tend to do up to 5 sets of 10 reps.

They don't do 1RM because of injury risk, but apparently, their working weight is '160-170' for Chris, and '140-150' for Jason.

Are you squatting like an Olympian cyclist ;) ?

As a side point, Andy Murray and Wiggo both use BSS for leg work (amongst other things)

5 x 10 of over 140kg? erm....no. Could probably manage a couple...then a 7, 5,4 lol

Have you seem the size of hoy's legs? They huge!
i used to do 5 x 10 as the main part of my leg workout a couple of years ago...I think I got up to 122.5Kg...and that was pretty intense last couple of sets!! 160 ahem...
he a big lad though!
Good dead lift session tonight on week 3 of 5/3/1

5 × 72.5 [20,5,1.25]
5 × 90 [20,15]
3 × 110 [20,20,5]
5 × 135 [20,20,15,2.5]
3 × 155 [20,20,20,5,2.5]

8 × 172.5! Rep PB And yes the reps were paused for a split split second ;)

Also got a video. :D


Really happy with this, after the 2nd rep I thought ''**** this is heavy'' but I gave it everything and just managed to get the 8 Reps I wanted. :D Form could be a lot better, the bar was twisting on that last rep for some reason? Really hard to give it everything and consontrate on form. :(

This puts me on good grounds to break the 200kg barrier before the years out, Maybe even 210kg ;) Haha!
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