*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I think i watched some of this last night. It was cringe worthy, that guy getting lipo to remove fat from specific areas to give a more defined look, as well as getting it pumped back in to his chest and delts etc just wrong. The Surgeon justifying it by saying " why go to the gym for 5 years when i can give you the same look in 5 hours" shocking, just utterly shocking. 5 hours of fat redistribution is not the same as 5 years of building up proper muscle.......

as for the blonde bint who was supposed to be on a diet, sat eating a salad with quavers and drinking coke.......YOUR FAT YOUR NOT GONNA LOSE WEIGHT BY EATTING JUNK.

The whole program infact seem to want to incourage people to fad diet/revert to surgury/just accept the way you are, over actually putting in some proper work
I think i watched some of this last night. It was cringe worthy, that guy getting lipo to remove fat from specific areas to give a more defined look, as well as getting it pumped back in to his chest and delts etc just wrong. The Surgeon justifying it by saying " why go to the gym for 5 years when i can give you the same look in 5 hours" shocking, just utterly shocking. 5 hours of fat redistribution is not the same as 5 years of building up proper muscle.......

as for the blonde bint who was supposed to be on a diet, sat eating a salad with quavers and drinking coke.......YOUR FAT YOUR NOT GONNA LOSE WEIGHT BY EATTING JUNK.

The whole program infact seem to want to incourage people to fad diet/revert to surgury/just accept the way you are, over actually putting in some proper work

Lets be fair, if they did a documentary on us it would be called "Addicted to the gym" and all it would talk about is all the bodybuilders who died young and they would cut the most extreme things we said on camera to make us all sound like extremists, slaves to the body beautiful neglecting all else in its persuit.

I swear the politicians hold sway over BBC

"right boys, keep em slightly fat, slightly lazy, give them enough hope for eternal life that they still pay taxes, but make sure they only live an average amount of time, GO!"
Oh dear god has anyone else watched this


im starting to hate the bbc

I think the most revolting part was at the end when he said "while some of us opt for quick fix solutions, a healthy lifestyle can be just as effective for fighting off fat".
A healthy lifestyle should not be regarded as something that "could be just as effective" it is ten times more effective without becoming a sad count that took fat from his abs and put it on his shoulders.

I also liked the 5 hours vs 5 years comparison, when they somehow forgot to mention the 6 weeks of recovery needed after the surgery.
And I'm 100% sure that he would have seen a much more visibly pleasing change in 6 months of serious lifting, not to mention the health and cost implications.
Just started at a new gym tonight, asked someone to spot me whilst I was doing 105/110kg on flat bench, I think he was just waiting for his training partner to show up.

Watched his training partner do 160KG incline bench. Holy crap the guys in this gym are a lot bigger than where I have just come from lol
Just started at a new gym tonight, asked someone to spot me whilst I was doing 105/110kg on flat bench, I think he was just waiting for his training partner to show up.

Watched his training partner do 160KG incline bench. Holy crap the guys in this gym are a lot bigger than where I have just come from lol

I saw someone deadlift 80 today (did have SOLID form mind...)
I've seen people bench with the 50kg dumbells, I think I've seen someone squat 50...

To be fair, I go early morning, but still... :s

I saw someone deadlift 80 today (did have SOLID form mind...)
I've seen people bench with the 50kg dumbells, I think I've seen someone squat 50...

To be fair, I go early morning, but still... :s


Can I ask what you deadlift, bench and squat?

In fact can I go the whole hog and ask you if you even lift?

:edit: Actually, scratch that - I'm having trouble working out what your point is. At first I was like "Oh so he's saying people don't lift much in his gym, even though he's t3h weakz0r lul", then I was like "Oh but wait 50kg dumbell bench, wat" and now you've turned my brain inside out.
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