*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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UE is just being weird :p
Just because you've got to the point where you consider a weight not very heavy doesn't mean it's a nothing. Plenty of guys can't do the 50s, but I don't think any different despite being able to rep them all day long.
UE is just being weird :p
Just because you've got to the point where you consider a weight not very heavy doesn't mean it's a nothing. Plenty of guys can't do the 50s, but I don't think any different despite being able to rep them all day long.

Why do you refuse to subjugate the mortals? You have no place on the council of brah'tak'na!

I think i need more coffee today
Im looking for some advice guys with a new routine, I ccurrently do 3 day / 4 day routines but im getting a little bored of mine at the minute.

I train at home in the garage and have the following equipment

Multigym like this used mainly for leg extensions :


A power rack like this:

3 sets of dumbbells

125kg of free weights on a 7ft olympic bar

Cardio i have covered by my bike on a turbo trainer.

My current routine is based on the 5x5 stronglifts, i change it up a little but it would be something like this

Squats 5x8
Bench 5x8
Overhead press 5x5
Leg Extensions 5x10
Calf raises 5x15
Weighted lunges 5x10

Squats 5x8
Dips 5x12
BOR 5x8
Chins 5x8
Barbell shrugs 5x10
Tricep extension 5x8

Squats 5x8
Bench 5x8
Fly 5x8
Arnold Press 5x8
Barbell brocepcurls 5x10

Can you advise if this is any good, maybe spec some changes? i was originally going for strength with a strict 5x5 stronglifts program but recently increased my reps as i was reading in Arnold's book it produces more size?
UE - taken your advice and stuck to BOR. Does feel more secure with the form. Stuck with 50kg and felt nice and 'easy'.

I think I do need to add more volume onto my main lifts, but sticking to the 5/3/1 routine at the moment.

Seeing some good progress at the moment. Seeing a lot of muscle being put on, which is awesome. Possibly the best I've looked even if I'm still a skinny &&&&er.
Im looking for some advice guys with a new routine, I ccurrently do 3 day / 4 day routines but im getting a little bored of mine at the minute.

I train at home in the garage and have the following equipment

Multigym like this used mainly for leg extensions :


A power rack like this:

3 sets of dumbbells

125kg of free weights on a 7ft olympic bar

Cardio i have covered by my bike on a turbo trainer.

My current routine is based on the 5x5 stronglifts, i change it up a little but it would be something like this

Squats 5x8
Bench 5x8
Overhead press 5x5
Leg Extensions 5x10
Calf raises 5x15
Weighted lunges 5x10

Squats 5x8
Dips 5x12
BOR 5x8
Chins 5x8
Barbell shrugs 5x10
Tricep extension 5x8

Squats 5x8
Bench 5x8
Fly 5x8
Arnold Press 5x8
Barbell brocepcurls 5x10

Can you advise if this is any good, maybe spec some changes? i was originally going for strength with a strict 5x5 stronglifts program but recently increased my reps as i was reading in Arnold's book it produces more size?

With the squats, do you use the same weight each session for the week or do you do something heavy on a monday, add 5kg next session and again on the next session?

UE - taken your advice and stuck to BOR. Does feel more secure with the form. Stuck with 50kg and felt nice and 'easy'.
Another BOR tip, try using straps and going a little heavier for volume. Its not about the grip as such, but i find that when i strap for rows i pull from my elbows not my hands. Sounds weird but if you pull from your elbows (imagine two strings attached to your elbows pulling them directly behind you) you will engage your back more directly and work the biceps less.

Good work, though a 7' scaffold pole and 2 sets of clamps will do the job, saves someone else making it for you :D

yeah he works in engineering shop so they have tube steel all over the place he grabbed a 6ft length and put two solid steel 2ft plugs in each end. Ill use a set os scaffold clamps for collars and clips for holding weight.
Another BOR tip, try using straps and going a little heavier for volume. Its not about the grip as such, but i find that when i strap for rows i pull from my elbows not my hands. Sounds weird but if you pull from your elbows (imagine two strings attached to your elbows pulling them directly behind you) you will engage your back more directly and work the biceps less.

yeah he works in engineering shop so they have tube steel all over the place he grabbed a 6ft length and put two solid steel 2ft plugs in each end. Ill use a set os scaffold clamps for collars and clips for holding weight.

Nice, I don't own any straps. Never struggled with grip more anything else preventing me lift heavier. I will go heavier next time for more volume. Will keep the straps in mind, as long as I can go heavier without losing form.
yeah he works in engineering shop so they have tube steel all over the place he grabbed a 6ft length and put two solid steel 2ft plugs in each end. Ill use a set os scaffold clamps for collars and clips for holding weight.

Cool :D
Also, might be worth getting some wheels with half flat tyres on, welded to the bar. you can throw the thing around a bit more then :D
With the squats, do you use the same weight each session for the week or do you do something heavy on a monday, add 5kg next session and again on the next session?


Oh man, i forgot the deadlifts! although i do not do them consistently i do try to fit a 5x5 set in once a week if ive got anything left, should i add them to a day?

With my squats, i start of at a set of 65-70 then i do the rest at 100kg with my current pb being 102 which im trying to increase each week as i go, originally i started at 40kg on 5x5
Nice, I don't own any straps. Never struggled with grip more anything else preventing me lift heavier. I will go heavier next time for more volume. Will keep the straps in mind, as long as I can go heavier without losing form.

like i say its nowt to do with grip its a way of conditioning yourself to engage the right muscles. Although gripping 50 or 60 k may seem trivial you are still having to squeeze the bar relatively hard. This automatically causes you to pull from the hands which engages the biceps first. if you use straps there is no need to grip the bar at all even a heavy bar can be held loosely. This engages a different motor pattern, one far more beneficial to your back, plus you will row more.

If you dont believe me test it out right now, close your eyes and get into a row position and squeeze your fists as tight as you can and pull a slow row motion, you will feel your biceps flex with lots of arm tension.

now do the same motion but have your palms open as if doing a press up, really spread your fingers and do a nice slow row, you should feel it between your shoulder blades.

It works trust me, once you get the patterning corrected you can get rid of straps for a bit if its bothering you as you will have the 'feel'.
I've been training for 20 years and can bench 400kg therefore anyone who can't bench that is a weak phaggot regardless of if you've only been training 6 months

^UE logic is strong :D
Oh man, i forgot the deadlifts! although i do not do them consistently i do try to fit a 5x5 set in once a week if ive got anything left, should i add them to a day?

With my squats, i start of at a set of 65-70 then i do the rest at 100kg with my current pb being 102 which im trying to increase each week as i go, originally i started at 40kg on 5x5

you shouldnt try and fit in deadlifts, you should make sure that on one of your days you deadlift as your first exercise of the routine!
I wouldnt suggest as a general rule, squatting and deadlifting in one session, i mean your CNS just cannot handle that at decent weight/volume. Thats not to say never do it of course, try everything! But not as a rule in a routine when there is no reason for it whatsoever squat and deadlift should be as far apart as possible.
I just had a good shoulders session.

One thing though. Me and Shrugs just dont get on.

I try them fast, I try them slow.. I try em Heavy, I try em light...

I just never seem to get a good pump/burn from them that everyone else seems to. When I stand with no weights and shrug my shoulders I can engage them, yet when I introduce weight I seem to balls it up.

Im a weirdo
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