*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Given I rarely train chest I think i'd struggle like mad with 50's at the moment!

I can snatch DB 50kgs with relative easy - but benching them or pressing them or doing much else other than farmers walk with them - no chance! :D

UE - taken your advice and stuck to BOR. Does feel more secure with the form. Stuck with 50kg and felt nice and 'easy'.

I think I do need to add more volume onto my main lifts, but sticking to the 5/3/1 routine at the moment.

Seeing some good progress at the moment. Seeing a lot of muscle being put on, which is awesome. Possibly the best I've looked even if I'm still a skinny &&&&er.

Despite doing 5/3/1 there's no reason why you cannot hit volume, certainly in the subsidiary exercises. Or just do a set of BBB after your main 5/3/1 component lift as well as your subsidiary exercises.

I just had a good shoulders session.

One thing though. Me and Shrugs just dont get on.

I try them fast, I try them slow.. I try em Heavy, I try em light...

I just never seem to get a good pump/burn from them that everyone else seems to. When I stand with no weights and shrug my shoulders I can engage them, yet when I introduce weight I seem to balls it up.

Im a weirdo

No need to do shrugs really - pointless exercise, certainly if you do deadlifts, powercleans, shoulder press, BORs etc...
Far too many exercises for me, but then I'm just a compound monkey. :)

- Ditch most of the 'curl' exercises and replace for chin-ups and weighted chin-ups/pull-ups.
- Ditch most of the leg work and do heavier squats, and heavier front squats;
- Ditch most of the incline/upside-down/side-to-side chest press BS and just do a chest press: dumbell one week, barbell the next;
- Insert deadlifts on your back/shoulder day.
Hi guys,

A friend has recommended an all body workout routine (mostly compound exercises). I'm currently in "fat loss mode". Because I'm new, I am unable to get through all the exercises (I'm dead by the time I get to deadlift). Is it wise to split it in two days (upper body vs. lower body) or just keep going until I build up me stamina?

DB Bench Press (compound)
DB Flies
DB Shoulder press (c)
DB Lateral raise
BB Bent-over-row (c)
Dumbbell row (c)
DB curls
DB/Triceps extension

Deadlift (c)
Seated leg press (c)
Leg curls
Calf raise
Leg Raise
Hi guys,

A friend has recommended an all body workout routine (mostly compound exercises). I'm currently in "fat loss mode". Because I'm new, I am unable to get through all the exercises (I'm dead by the time I get to deadlift). Is it wise to split it in two days (upper body vs. lower body) or just keep going until I build up me stamina?

DB Bench Press (compound)
DB Flies
DB Shoulder press (c)
DB Lateral raise
BB Bent-over-row (c)
Dumbbell row (c)
DB curls
DB/Triceps extension

Deadlift (c)
Seated leg press (c)
Leg curls
Calf raise
Leg Raise

You do all that in one session? How many reps/sets etc?
like i say its nowt to do with grip its a way of conditioning yourself to engage the right muscles. Although gripping 50 or 60 k may seem trivial you are still having to squeeze the bar relatively hard. This automatically causes you to pull from the hands which engages the biceps first. if you use straps there is no need to grip the bar at all even a heavy bar can be held loosely. This engages a different motor pattern, one far more beneficial to your back, plus you will row more.

If you dont believe me test it out right now, close your eyes and get into a row position and squeeze your fists as tight as you can and pull a slow row motion, you will feel your biceps flex with lots of arm tension.

now do the same motion but have your palms open as if doing a press up, really spread your fingers and do a nice slow row, you should feel it between your shoulder blades.

It works trust me, once you get the patterning corrected you can get rid of straps for a bit if its bothering you as you will have the 'feel'.

I get what your saying now, and that felt so much better. Infact so much more on the back rather than the arms.

Will add straps to my list to buy, any ok? Or are specific ones better than others?

I assume these will do the job?


Thanks :)
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Hi guys,

A friend has recommended an all body workout routine (mostly compound exercises). I'm currently in "fat loss mode". Because I'm new, I am unable to get through all the exercises (I'm dead by the time I get to deadlift). Is it wise to split it in two days (upper body vs. lower body) or just keep going until I build up me stamina?

DB Bench Press (compound)
DB Flies
DB Shoulder press (c)
DB Lateral raise
BB Bent-over-row (c)
Dumbbell row (c)
DB curls
DB/Triceps extension

Deadlift (c)
Seated leg press (c)
Leg curls
Calf raise
Leg Raise

That's a lot for one session. I would suggest look at starting strength of strong lifts to begin with, or a 3 or 4 day split dependant on how often your in the gym.
Hi guys,

A friend has recommended an all body workout routine (mostly compound exercises). I'm currently in "fat loss mode". Because I'm new, I am unable to get through all the exercises (I'm dead by the time I get to deadlift). Is it wise to split it in two days (upper body vs. lower body) or just keep going until I build up me stamina?

DB Bench Press (compound)
DB Flies
DB Shoulder press (c)
DB Lateral raise
BB Bent-over-row (c)
Dumbbell row (c)
DB curls
DB/Triceps extension

Deadlift (c)
Seated leg press (c)
Leg curls
Calf raise
Leg Raise
All kinds of not good.

Bad exercise order, too many exercises for one day, no squats, and there are sit ups.


Also solid for a good introduction to a lot of the main upper/lower/core exercises, with good form videos alongside them

That's the aim but am struggling to get through all of them. Tuesday I did 10 exercises, that was with 2 sets, between 6-12 reps. Some I did 3 sets.

God no, far too many for one day (also, worryingly arm centric...) I'd either do a solid split (see many of the logs for people's splits), or I'd personally recommend 5x5 stronglifts (then again, I am slightly biased). If you really want to do 5x5 and lose a bit more fat (it builds up a sweat as it is), throw in a small amount of cardio warm up (cycling/running/rowing machines)

As a side point, experienced guys who do split weeks, do you split bi/tris up? I feel like just do arms on one day, if you really want to build them, do them twice a week for a few months until you're happier with them and then drop it down to once a week again.... You can hammer both your tris and bis, without huge amounts of effort I'd normally say...

Oh, also, any recommendations for some decent gloves? Could do with some padding on my right hand as it seems particularly tender when dipping.

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