*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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If you really want to do 5x5 and lose a bit more fat (it builds up a sweat as it is), throw in a small amount of cardio warm up (cycling/running/rowing machines)

Literally a 3-5mins is ok, but I would advise against anything more than that length of time, at low/medium intensity. Doing cardio before weights to me is just DERP. Do it after or your lifts are going to suffer.

Oh, also, any recommendations for some decent gloves? Could do with some padding on my right hand as it seems particularly tender when dipping.

It's probably worth going to check out Boots to see if they stock them, that way you can pick up your hair spray and nail varnish and save a trip.
It's probably worth going to check out Boots to see if they stock them, that way you can pick up your hair spray and nail varnish and save a trip.

Thanks for the feedback, guys.

My BF is high so I'm aiming to sticking to weight training (plus mild cardio) as my strategy. Looking around there are so many programmes/thoughts. So I took Gordy's and made some tweaks. Could you review it? I also have some questions at the bottom. My gym doesn't have a barbell bench facility (only smith and fixed barbells), hence dumbell workouts.

Monday (Chest/Shoulder/Triceps)

Dumbbell Bench Press – 3x8
Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x8
Skull Crushers – 3x8
Close Grip Bench Press – 3x8
Seated Dumbbell Military Press -3x8
Lateral Dumbbell Raises – 3x8

Wednesday (Back/Biceps)
Bent over one arm Dumbbell rows – 3x8
Barbell Bent-over-row -3x8
Under arm lat pull downs
Barbell Bicep Curl -3x8
One arm Dumbbell hammer Curls – 3x8

Friday (Legs/Abs)
Dead lifts - 3x8
Leg Press -3x8
Leg Curls 3x8
Calf Raises-4x10
Abdominal workout (Crunches, leg raises, whatever)

How long do I do this programme for?
Do I need to go to failure for each set?
How long until I can up the weight (after maintaining good form)?
Deficit bulgarian split squats are the only acceptable substitute for squats in a gym with no barbell.

Deadlifts on back day, 3 or 5 sets of 5.

How long do I do this programme for?
6-8 weeks is typical.

Do I need to go to failure for each set?
Not failure, but you want to be within 1-2 reps of it

How long until I can up the weight (after maintaining good form)?
As a beginner, as often as you can while maintaining form.
Smith machine for squats is generally a bad idea. You can do goblet squats or as ice said split squats.
What do you mean by fixed barbells? Trying to understand what you have available.

What are your goals? Just dropping bodyfat? Improving strength?

I would personally ditch the 3x8 thing and go for a 5x5 routine based around less exercises, more weight and more squats. As a beginner I'd want to be squatting all the time to get my body into omfgmusclemaking mode <--- scientific term right there.

So something like

Bench (smith or dumbells in your case I suppose)
Bent over rows (not really sure how well it works with dumbells as I've never tried it, but single arm might be an alternative in this case. Not sure)

Overhead Press

Bent over rows

All 5x5

--- the next week ----

Switch it around so you do Wednesday's workout on Mon and Fri, and Mon/Fri's workout on the Wednesday. Sort your diet out and throw in some chin ups, dips, core work, and crucially mobility (stretching, getting your shoulders, hips, and anywhere else in your body that's totally and utterly broken from a deskjob), and you'll be on your way to a leaner, stronger, healthier you before you can say "bicep day".

What I have written there is Stronglifts 5x5 followed by adice that I hear repeated on here all the time. Give Stronglifts 5x5 a look triggerthat as you might find it appeals to you. Many people consider it a decent starting out routine, as well as Starting Strength - they're pretty similar incidentally.

Also, make a log thread!

My gym has dumbbells up to 40KG and barbells up to 60KG (fixed). There's no bench frame so difficult to bench press barbell.

Goal is to drop body fat and eventually build muscle (size and strength). I'm more likely to stick to it if the plan is clear.

My gym has dumbbells up to 40KG and barbells up to 60KG (fixed). There's no bench frame so difficult to bench press barbell.

Goal is to drop body fat and eventually build muscle (size and strength). I'm more likely to stick to it if the plan is clear.

Mine only goes up to 30kg dumbells -_- Guess who's stuck in a 12 month contract?
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