*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I tried it once at it felt really awkward and not natural.. (I'm talking about squatting in a smith machine obviously.. :D)

From experience, you have to get it right or it does feel a bit weird. I suspect if I tried normal squats my balance would be a bit weird.

In the rough words of ice though:
(This might sound like rash coaching, but provided you keep your spine straight you're extremely unlikely to hurt yourself. I can also see that your mobility is pretty good so these positions should be easily accessible.)

At night i try and sleep on my back, recently as i have been laying there my knees start to ache. Any one else get this?

tired sticking your feet out from the covers, i find the covers pushing my feet down if i lie on my back makes my legs feel weird.
yeah generally moving solves the issue, laying on my front, no problems etc, i was just wondering if there was an underlying cause that i could remedy
Paused RDLs are literally the best thing ever, hands down, no competition :p. First time doing them and I can already tell they are going to have a very good affect for me. You have to keep crazy tension in your glutes and hammies to stop yourself dropping the weight but you also need to have huge amount of tension in your core which is the best thing about them for me. The first set was me pausing them myself but I did another with Ice calling them out to me the same way we do paused DLs. In the second set with Ice counting the pause they were a little longer which worked better. Also the exciting dismount of the non-paused is because my grip was going, you can see me drop the 5th rep a little at the top :).

Deadlifts were awesome, the 210kg set is a little messy but who cares, it's not that bad and I am ill so I'm not bothered by it at all. The 200kg was crazy easy, not the quickest but it didn't feel heavy at all so it was probably just something to do with me being ill.


Just pinched this from my log :).

It took about 3 hours for the RDL vid to upload :confused:.

I've got squats tonight on the most severe leg DOMS that I have had in a long time. It's gonna suck :(.
Some really tasty deads there Dom :D

Off to do some squats in the new squat rack that came in this week! :D I'll maybe try and get a video because I've been really struggling with progression and just want to check if my form is ok.
Thanks man :).

I love it when the gym gets new toys :D, although most of the time it's bought with our own money . . .

Do get some vids up, you need to get that squat up to match your crazy deadlift :p.
Hmm...Been looking at a gym nearish to me which Syla5 showed me, looks okay...Trying to find out if they have spare olympic bars that aren't located in racks :o
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