*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Decent week for me and already feel much more powerful after resuming training again last week.

115x10 bench on Tuesday followed by 150x10 deadlifts and 140x10 box squats to a height of 40cm yesterday.

Never really done box squats for reps before but I've quickly realised they really don't suit a narrow stance which is how I usually squat.
I'm using one and a half Reebok Steps and they're only 35cm wide so they're ideal for my usual stance. Wasn't able to generate power out of the hole very easily though which made me change to a wider stance. Feels more powerful for the first few inches when you drive then becomes ridiculously hard. Probably a mixture of fatigue and utilising muscles in a way I haven't really done before.
What do you mean by fixed barbells? Trying to understand what you have available.

What are your goals? Just dropping bodyfat? Improving strength?

I would personally ditch the 3x8 thing and go for a 5x5 routine based around less exercises, more weight and more squats. As a beginner I'd want to be squatting all the time to get my body into omfgmusclemaking mode <--- scientific term right there.

So something like

Bench (smith or dumbells in your case I suppose)
Bent over rows (not really sure how well it works with dumbells as I've never tried it, but single arm might be an alternative in this case. Not sure)

Overhead Press

Bent over rows

All 5x5

--- the next week ----

Switch it around so you do Wednesday's workout on Mon and Fri, and Mon/Fri's workout on the Wednesday. Sort your diet out and throw in some chin ups, dips, core work, and crucially mobility (stretching, getting your shoulders, hips, and anywhere else in your body that's totally and utterly broken from a deskjob), and you'll be on your way to a leaner, stronger, healthier you before you can say "bicep day".

What I have written there is Stronglifts 5x5 followed by adice that I hear repeated on here all the time. Give Stronglifts 5x5 a look triggerthat as you might find it appeals to you. Many people consider it a decent starting out routine, as well as Starting Strength - they're pretty similar incidentally.

Also, make a log thread!

Thanks, Zefan. I've emailed you some questions.

So would you say that strength training is better (when compared to 3x8-12) for losing fat?
Question was: Is 5x5 (strength) preferred over 3x8-12 (size) for cutting/losing weight? I get the impression the 5x5 preserves more muscle when compared to 3x8-12.

Is it true that fewer reps = strength and higher (8-12) is size, the forming being more suitable for "cutting"/losing fat?

As for the 5x5 programme, should I stick to smith machine squat or DB squat?
5x5 is more strength based, 3x8 is more hypertrophy based (muscle volume/size) I think..

Someone I suspect will explain that better...

For smith vs dumbell, it's up to you really. Many will say do a dumbell I suspect. I don't find squatting in a smith so bad, but you definitely lose a lot of the benefits to your core from squatting in a smith.

There is no real "better" weight training to do while on a cut/weight loss mission. If I was you I would suggest work with the 3x8 routine for the first 12 weeks or so. This will help you for general overall fitness better then a 5x5 strength routine, in my opinion.
Best training to do when cutting is med-high reps 8-12 of heavy compounds. This has the dual effect of releasing both growth factors including growth hormone and physically burns more calories. Straight strength training just isnt intensive enough to help promote weight loss.

Ultimately though itll be diet above all else
Best training to do when cutting is med-high reps 8-12 of heavy compounds. This has the dual effect of releasing both growth factors including growth hormone and physically burns more calories. Straight strength training just isnt intensive enough to help promote weight loss.

Ultimately though itll be diet above all else
Mostly agreed, although I'd say that you can get the intensity to promote weight loss with strength training, it just requires ball busting effort that isn't appropriate for a newbie who doesn't know if he's moving correctly.

99.99% about diet though realistically.
Mostly agreed, although I'd say that you can get the intensity to promote weight loss with strength training, it just requires ball busting effort that isn't appropriate for a newbie who doesn't know if he's moving correctly.

99.99% about diet though realistically.

my presumption here is that no one who needs to ask advice has anything like the mental strength required for super intensity at low reps, hell i doubt i do im feeling kinda sick thinking about it :D
Yeah you'd be looking at several days of recovery. That's not several days before you get back in the gym and smash the same exercise, it's several days of not wanting to move!

The nearest I've come to that is 6x6 squats on a weight that was basically a 6 rep max :(
Hmm I intended on sticking with Stronglifts Jan-Mar while I cut down a bit, maybe not? I really don't wanna lose any strength this time, was also considering HST.
I think in terms of not losing strength on a cut, you absolutely must be doing a strength routine.

If someone is untrained (not you Chris!), then anything is a strength programme.

I've just randomly remembered something...

Where is Opeth and his food log?!

Colour me not surprised at all.
Chris,strong lifts when cutting is win :)

When I cut on a strength routine I set new PB's

When I cut on 3x8 routine, I lost strength. Arguably the second cut was more aggressive and effective, but the fact remains the same, I lost strength when cutting on a hypertrophy routine.

As for HST, save it for bulking only dude, it's all about adding mass, can't do that while cutting ;)

Ice, totally not suprised. Active posters should have the collective ability to ban other members from threads, I have a feeling if we did we wouldn't see open again lol.
Chris,strong lifts when cutting is win :)

When I cut on a strength routine I set new PB's

When I cut on 3x8 routine, I lost strength. Arguably the second cut was more aggressive and effective, but the fact remains the same, I lost strength when cutting on a hypertrophy routine.

As for HST, save it for bulking only dude, it's all about adding mass, can't do that while cutting ;)

Ice, totally not suprised. Active posters should have the collective ability to ban other members from threads, I have a feeling if we did we wouldn't see open again lol.

Interesting. How much strength did you lose? And what was the difference for stronglifts?

Another question guys: going to failure and weight volume. I've been going to failure for every set and I think this is what is contributing to my long recovery time (as well as the fact I'm new to training).

How often should I go to failure? How does this apply to stronglift and 3x10. And is it better to have more volume (4 sets vs 3) for hypertrophy?
Interesting. How much strength did you lose? And what was the difference for stronglifts?

Another question guys: going to failure and weight volume. I've been going to failure for every set and I think this is what is contributing to my long recovery time (as well as the fact I'm new to training).

How often should I go to failure? How does this apply to stronglift and 3x10. And is it better to have more volume (4 sets vs 3) for hypertrophy?

From what I have come to understand, the benefits of going to failure are not worth the gains, due to extra recovery required and overtraining concerns. Always leave a rep in the tank so to speak.

As for strength, well I didn't lose a lot, I dropped 10kg in body weight, I can still pull a 150kg Deadlift, and have squatted 20kg below my rep max for 3 reps, and I feel confident that I could equal my current bench max having recently pushed 95kg.

All being said, I am currently 14 weeks back in to a bulk, so I see a loss of strength as nothing being gained in the last 7 months, but I can lift the same at now 7kg less :)

Guys can someone linky me to a decent HST write up/program been a while and im looking into it for next bulking cycle, need some clarification memories not so good

Just google HST and the first link is to the main HST site. Your welcome to check out my log as well, I am on HST currently
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