Anyone got a good shoulder routine? ive never targeted them but feel i should before they become a weak point
Kimi here is my base shoulder routine, id say my delts are my best feature and on the rare occasions i go to gyms people often ask for my shoulder routine
Standing bar press moderate reps and volume (8-12 absolutely no jerk and no lockout always under tension)
Side lateral cable raise, hold the handle behind you roughly so it is under tension with your hand about level with the top of your ass crack. Pull out and upward with steady strokes, core tight elbow ever so slightly bent but do not change this bend in the rep. again maintain tension and rep slow.
front bar or cable raise, 2 arm, whether you use an oly bar or ez bar or cable attachment like a rope, the key to this is again core tightness you must stay solid slightly leant back and the pull should come from your neck. You engage your traps basically and the weight will rise. Slow pace is key with a pause just above eye level.
rear delt strap flye - best exercise ive ever seen for rear delts (im assuming you row on back day) thread a webbing strap through a low or mid cable station, wrap your hands in the strap and walk back till your hands are held in front of you under teansion then pull your hands apart which straightens the strap lifting the weight the rep ends with you in a cross position (maybe i should do a video of this?)
Seated dumbell press (we have all done these)
Superset, i will usually superset something like fast OHP with slow side laterals where i will attach straps to plates and grip the straps for slow raises.
Ultimately shoulders are about how you perform the rep more than about the exercise themselves. Your body will want to perform bad reps because the shoulders are painful to train and much weaker than the surrounding musculature. You MUST force the shoulders to work it will be all down to your own willpower.
Basically everytime i train shoulders i end up in severe pain, i have to lean over on something between sets to take the agony out of my shoulder muscles. THIS is how shoulder training should feel, they will recover very quickly but the pain between sets once tension is released should feel almost unbearable if your doing it right.