*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Looking at the log it's not terrible. Main thing I'd change is the non weight training day lunch to the standard lunch.

Main thing he needs to do is work out his BMR and calculate what he needs to eat. Then monitor his weight.
Looking at the log it's not terrible. Main thing I'd change is the non weight training day lunch to the standard lunch.

Main thing he needs to do is work out his BMR and calculate what he needs to eat. Then monitor his weight.

delvis all he has done is written a nice tidy post outlining things, ya know, bodybuilders are supposed to eat, ya know, sorta stuff like that, ya know, beef and chicken and rice, ya know?

It is not a log it is useless, if he is using it as a guideline then fine its a basic outline of meal structure that is relatively acceptable.


Every member of the forum, including you, especially you, would benefit from doing this. From newbie to professional athlete, a meticulous log is a huge deal.
I completely agree with you UE. It's this whole concept that so many people fall down on, and therefore cannot get themselves where they want to be. It applies to much more than training as well, I've managed to get that side sorted, just need to work on the others now :p.
I'm getting stronger, gaining weight and appear to be leaning out gradually or at the very least not getting fatter.

I don't feel the need to start being all meticulous for what i can only imagine would be very minor increases in progression.
I'm getting stronger, gaining weight and appear to be leaning out gradually or at the very least not getting fatter.

I don't feel the need to start being all meticulous for what i can only imagine would be very minor increases in progression.

You'd be suprised. The rate at which my progress accelerated (more so when trying to lean up) by being very precise and comprehesive with my nutrition logs couldn't have been acheieved with the 'slap dash' attitude I used before.

It's not always necesary, granted, but shouldn't be overlooked.
For cutting yes i would be more precise, but considering my goal right now is to put on the best part of another 10kg, maybe more, i don't think it's necessary.

Besides, i've tried it before. This time last year i ate pretty much the same diet day to day, probably being accurate to the nearest 20 cals than the nearest 200. I can't see any difference in my gains then compared to now.

Every member of the forum, including you, especially you, would benefit from doing this. From newbie to professional athlete, a meticulous log is a huge deal.


I already know what I eat day to day, just because I don't post it daily on the forum does not mean I don't adhere to it.
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I don't really put a lot of effort into my diet. When I was trying to lose weight I counted my calories very roughly, within about 200 but with a lot of rounding in there. Outside of that I have only ever followed 3 rules:
- eat X amount of protein
- eat a lot
- don't eat crap (I'm not very strict on this, but I try to not do it often and balance it out when I do)

Only now am I starting to look at other options with any conviction. I'm going to start playing around with Carb Back Loading which requires monitoring your macros more closely than I have ever done. I still won't go very complex with it and record everything I do because I don't think I need to to reach the goals I have. Everything will be done in my head at the time pretty much.

Obviously this isn't the case for everyone, but I think people should be able to do it this way, and no doubt the people who do take their nutrition very seriously can do this in their sleep because it is basically a step back from their way of doing it. For me it just fits and solve the problem of me thinking that it will take a lot of effort :).

Hodge twins are a staple for me pre-workout. Their other channels are definitely worth checking out if you haven't already.
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I already know what I eat day to day, just because I don't post it daily on the forum does not mean I don't adhere to it.

No you dont

Don't you mean: You should be making sure you eat the same thing each day and recording it in a food diary otherwise you won't make the best possible gains

Oh wait, it's not me :D

You should by no means eat the same thing every day, but whatever you do eat you should record.

I remember a few years back when i thought i was in 'automatic' mode, that is to say, i was so acutely aware of my diet and training that i could do it without recording anything, yet my training was stalling.

I started a personal food log on my phone and found i was spending half the week on a cut by accident and over eating on at least one of the days in the week. I levelled this out and progress began immediately.

You do not know yourself until you can look back on your actions with absolute certainty of what happened. I would be surprised if anyone here who doesnt log could tell me exactly what they had yesterday (so how much tuna was in that sandwich? what was the macro breakdown? how much milk was in that coffee? On your cereal?) let alone what they had over the course of a week, month or year.

You will never show me someone who has logged everything for a year who isnt in the absoloute top 5% of trainees at that particular level. In fact i would go so far as to say that someone who logged everything meticulously for 5 years would have progress in excess of someone winging it for 10.
Anyone got a good shoulder routine? ive never targeted them but feel i should before they become a weak point

Kimi here is my base shoulder routine, id say my delts are my best feature and on the rare occasions i go to gyms people often ask for my shoulder routine

Standing bar press moderate reps and volume (8-12 absolutely no jerk and no lockout always under tension)

Side lateral cable raise, hold the handle behind you roughly so it is under tension with your hand about level with the top of your ass crack. Pull out and upward with steady strokes, core tight elbow ever so slightly bent but do not change this bend in the rep. again maintain tension and rep slow.

front bar or cable raise, 2 arm, whether you use an oly bar or ez bar or cable attachment like a rope, the key to this is again core tightness you must stay solid slightly leant back and the pull should come from your neck. You engage your traps basically and the weight will rise. Slow pace is key with a pause just above eye level.

rear delt strap flye - best exercise ive ever seen for rear delts (im assuming you row on back day) thread a webbing strap through a low or mid cable station, wrap your hands in the strap and walk back till your hands are held in front of you under teansion then pull your hands apart which straightens the strap lifting the weight the rep ends with you in a cross position (maybe i should do a video of this?)

Seated dumbell press (we have all done these)

Superset, i will usually superset something like fast OHP with slow side laterals where i will attach straps to plates and grip the straps for slow raises.

Ultimately shoulders are about how you perform the rep more than about the exercise themselves. Your body will want to perform bad reps because the shoulders are painful to train and much weaker than the surrounding musculature. You MUST force the shoulders to work it will be all down to your own willpower.

Basically everytime i train shoulders i end up in severe pain, i have to lean over on something between sets to take the agony out of my shoulder muscles. THIS is how shoulder training should feel, they will recover very quickly but the pain between sets once tension is released should feel almost unbearable if your doing it right.
No you dont

You should by no means eat the same thing every day, but whatever you do eat you should record.


Right...I'm just going to let you believe that I don't know what I'm eating everyday as I won't be able to convince you otherwise.

At the end of the day, I'm making progress where I want to make progress, my lifts are going up, I'm hitting new pb's, I look better and people around me have noticed changes in myself. That for me, is what matters.

I was going to go off on some other tripe, but really can't be bothered
I am now stuck on benches. Its been a good month since I added strong lifts into the beginning of my workout, I moved up to 60KG pretty quickly (from 40kg) but really struggling now to even do 5x5 of 62.5KG , didnt help that I was ill for most of last week either. Every other exercise I do, I am smashing just benching I cant seem to get a good flow. (my arms basically start to lock up on the fourth and fifth sets)

Iv heard people say I have to reduce the weight by 20% and work my way up again - good advice or just stick to 60KG for a while?

Good advice, stick it down a bit rebuild the strength you lost whilst ill and you'll soon see it go back up again.

Meant to be squats tonight, mate wants to do chest. REALLY? Chest on a Monday! :(

rear delt strap flye - best exercise ive ever seen for rear delts (im assuming you row on back day) thread a webbing strap through a low or mid cable station, wrap your hands in the strap and walk back till your hands are held in front of you under teansion then pull your hands apart which straightens the strap lifting the weight the rep ends with you in a cross position (maybe i should do a video of this?)


Make a video! I'm intrigued!

Delvis - UE was trying to be helpful in a UE kind of way.
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