*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Ok, so it's not a food diary, but I have put down what I'm currently eating here.

I know it's a **** poor diet!

I want to adapt it, I have been making gains in the gym, but obvioulsy the diet isnt great.
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Ok, so it's not a food diary, but I have put down what I'm currently eating here.

I know it's a **** poor diet!

I want to adapt it, I have been making gains in the gym, but obvioulsy the diet isnt great.

about time.... aslo get a mod to move it to the training logs section, and dont just use it as a diet log, track both your diet and training as well!! progress pics the lot.
I am now stuck on benches. Its been a good month since I added strong lifts into the beginning of my workout, I moved up to 60KG pretty quickly (from 40kg) but really struggling now to even do 5x5 of 62.5KG , didnt help that I was ill for most of last week either. Every other exercise I do, I am smashing just benching I cant seem to get a good flow. (my arms basically start to lock up on the fourth and fifth sets)

Iv heard people say I have to reduce the weight by 20% and work my way up again - good advice or just stick to 60KG for a while?
Isn't that normal practice with stronglifts when you stall? Few steps back then start progressively loading again.
Either drop the weight back (so 60kg) for all sets and work up again. Or continue with 62.5kg for the sets until you fail, then do 60kg.

Just got to push through it
Welcome to the world of hard work.

Once your central nervous system and muscles learn the pattern, your fast gains will disappear and it's a case of grinding through the actual gains in strength. :)
the way to deal with hitting a wall in stronglifts is as follows:

day one you may do 62.5kg
5 5 5 4 3

your next workout you stay at the same weight you may smash it, if you fail again as follows: 62.5kg
5 5 5 5 4

then you go again for a 3rd time at the same weight 62.5kg. If you suceed then great next workout you up the weight and go again.
If you fail this time then you deload by 10% so the next workout would be 55kg for 5x5
Its not that, i been working on a special meat hat :D

The point is a diet log is exactly that, a meticulous log of EXACT daily intake. If it is posted daily without fail, the rest of training just falls into place. My 'bet' such as it was, is that opeth lacks the correct drive and mentality to get anywhere based on his many healf hearted and vague posts. Since i was told not to generalise and think ill of everyone just because they were new i made the 'bet'. If opeth logs his diet accurately and meticulously for a protracted period he will succeed, it wont matter what training he does or what the diet even is, because simply by logging it daily he will improve every single aspect of his regime and refine and fixate on his goals. If his diet is poor and his training crap he will stop logging pretty soon anyway. Because night follows day and this is a path well trodden, you are not the exception to the rule, none of us are.
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