*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Platter with whole chicken, rice and corn on the cob, then finish with cheescake.

Standard affair when I went out with my hench brother and training mate :D

The serving woman was like.... A platter and cheesecake each :eek: Women :D

Was going to go with Whole Chicken + 10 Wings :p

There's a girl coming who struggles to eat a medium dominos pizza. So this is all about masses of meat xD

Hurt my neck yesterday doing shrugs :(

Guessing rest for a few days is the way forward? Hate not doing anything but I really don't want to risk doing more damage.
No idea how I did it, I've hurt it a few times getting in and out a car though.

Just did the first shrug and felt something not right, still hurts a fair bit today...
Hey guys just posted a vid talking some rubbish about shoulders and showing some of the shoulder training exercises i talked about earlier, crummy vid sorry about that 1st bit is 90deg sideways but rest is corrected, focus is a bit crap too but does the job, sorry i ramble on and its a bit rushed. On the plus side at no point do i have to stick a needle in myself as is more common in my videos, so thats a plus!


You will note im rocking maximum facial hair, and more worryingly my fringe is attempting to do a monkee time for a fuarking cut!

Good video UE!

Changing my shoulder workout! OHP 5/3/1 then your video, monster shoulders.

Christmas ****ing cracker. :p
Hey guys just posted a vid talking some rubbish about shoulders and showing some of the shoulder training exercises i talked about earlier, crummy vid sorry about that 1st bit is 90deg sideways but rest is corrected, focus is a bit crap too but does the job, sorry i ramble on and its a bit rushed. On the plus side at no point do i have to stick a needle in myself as is more common in my videos, so thats a plus!


You will note im rocking maximum facial hair, and more worryingly my fringe is attempting to do a monkee time for a fuarking cut!

I'm more concerned about the anabolic accent than anything else! :eek:
Hurt my neck yesterday doing shrugs :(

Guessing rest for a few days is the way forward? Hate not doing anything but I really don't want to risk doing more damage.

No need to do shrugs really. Not sure how you managed to injure yourself, other than perhaps a trapped nerve?
I has Trapzors


I no shrugzors
Just got owned, new material for a new launch campaign that will be going all over the place in January.

The female model has bigger biceps - she is good freind and in amazing shape! - beat by a girl :D

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