*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Seriously ::eek: i had my other half check it before i sent. She is a journalist, there should be none :(

Yup, one noticeable one is the start of the article.

'I was kindly been asked' should be 'i have kindly been asked' or just 'i was kindly asked'.
Mate there's plenty, even the first sentence reads as "I was very kindly been asked to write a guest feature for Life Changing Fitness about my recent photoshoot." Strong English/10 :p

Beaten by Wes!
Just got owned, new material for a new launch campaign that will be going all over the place in January.

The female model has bigger biceps - she is good freind and in amazing shape! - beat by a girl :D


Unisex range?! That's just wrong. Clothes should never be unisex unless under 3 years old :p
Also ending a sentence with PPS Supplements then starting the very next sentence with PPS Supplements is hardly ingenious use of English! Just stick to looking nice :mad: (nohomo)

(some homo)
Facing a rather irritating problem; I finish at college for Christmas on Friday, meaning I'll have 4 weeks off at home between then and the 7th, meaning I'll need a gym.

The problem I have is that about the best gym around home is a DW Sports gym, but they want a 6 month minimum contract, while the other gyms that allow pay per session are utterly appalling, full of broken equipment and what look like 'roid aficionados.

Why are the big chain gyms so hostile to short term memberships for the likes of student's such as me returning home from college for Christmas/summer? Surely my circumstances are not unique, and by not showing some discretion or flexibility, they're throwing away business.
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Don't know, it's annoying as I have 2/3weeks off soon and would like to go to DW but noooooooooooo.

What area do you live in? Could look for a kiss/pure gym or something that has no contract?
If not, everyone needs a break once in a while. If you train this friday, and when you get back to uni it's only really 2 weeks off? Sure it's two weeks of overeating, binge drinking and general tomfoolery but hey it's a giggle.
The problem I have is that about the best gym around home is a DW Sports gym, but they want a 6 month minimum contract, while the other gyms that allow pay per session are utterly appalling, full of broken equipment and what look like 'roid aficionados.

If the gym if full of so called "roid afficionados" by which i assume you mean big mofo's, then chances are there is good kit there for training, because no matter how high their roid expertise, they still gotta be lifting some weight.

So many non-problems in your post. If you only need the gym for 4 weeks then use any gym where you can pay and go. Dont judge gyms that dont have ipod docks on everything and nice shiny paint jobs because many of the best gyms are the spit and sawdust root gyms that are all about hard work not poncy yuppies admiring their hair between humping medicine balls.

Try something new you might find the gym full of 'roiders' is actually a really interesting place to train.
If the gym if full of so called "roid afficionados" by which i assume you mean big mofo's, then chances are there is good kit there for training, because no matter how high their roid expertise, they still gotta be lifting some weight.

So many non-problems in your post. If you only need the gym for 4 weeks then use any gym where you can pay and go. Dont judge gyms that dont have ipod docks on everything and nice shiny paint jobs because many of the best gyms are the spit and sawdust root gyms that are all about hard work not poncy yuppies admiring their hair between humping medicine balls.

Try something new you might find the gym full of 'roiders' is actually a really interesting place to train.

Dirty 'roiders. No fun. Any of them. :D :cool:

UE has a very clear point: a lot of these 'dirty' gyms are where most hard work gets done. Sure, you won't see many hardbodies in there, but what are working out for?
I really need to get back on the wagon mate, three weeks of not training due to revision for final exams mean I'm a bit of a mess.

I think if all else fails, I can buy a 12 days £12 voucher that both DW and David Lloyd are running I guess.
How much do you guys pay for your membership?

I'm currently on a £20 per month (www.better.org.uk) - it's more of a leisure center than a hardcore gym. Will probably stick here for the short term.

Virgin Active is £62 (?) and is right on my door step. Alternatively there's a hardcore gym 20 mins away which is £30 per month.
How much do you guys pay for your membership?

I'm currently on a £20 per month (www.better.org.uk) - it's more of a leisure center than a hardcore gym. Will probably stick here for the short term.

Virgin Active is £62 (?) and is right on my door step. Alternatively there's a hardcore gym 20 mins away which is £30 per month.

Dude which better do you use? There isn't even that many of them. I only pay £10 a month with corporate discount, but it gets the job done for now....
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