*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Nick I was going to make a joke of your surname, but realised it's a bad habibit i need to break.

comeatmebrosiv.gif :D

I imagine! Though it doesn't mean "my darling" between men it means "my man" / "my bro" - so quite apt for gym rattiness! :D

I'm sure you knew this anyway!

Yes, I had a PE teacher who used to yell it out in that context. Was humiliating as an insecure pre-teen, but I just take it all on my hairy chest, now. :eek:
If a gym increases your monthly membership fee, is it possible to cancel the contract? My gym have said the price is going up by 10%, and really I don't want to spend that much, it expensive enough as it was.
I am currently on my last week of a heavy cycle, next week will be a deload week, followed by a lazy christmas week, then the plan is for the next 5/6 weeks to massively increase fitness & muscular indurance.

Any ideas what route you would take to do this ?
I am thinking some kind of circuit based routine but am not as up to speed with circuit work as I am with normal strength/bodybuilding based routines, so not sure exactly what to do, although don't get me wrong I have the basic principles in mind.

Anyone have any thoughts on this please ?
Just seen this:

WHAT! :eek:

They were doing the full sets of 2xbars, and 190kg of plates for around £5k before all were bought and stuck on Ebay for crazy money...

It's Olympic memorabilia for investment bankers...

That's a little pricey for some plates!

Anyone have any thoughts on this please ?

Circuit training? Just to the same workouts at higher reps (x16)/much lower loads )whatever you can comfortably rep) and as 'megasets' or whatever.

The point is not exhaustion as in Crossfit/hypertrophy, but getting your heart rate up. You can intersperse the weights with fast treadmill work if you really wanted to...

What are you trying to achieve from a fitness perspective? Cardio fitness? Or football/weight training/etc. fitness? Because they're all pretty sport specific. I could cycle at 80% power output for around 25 minutes without any problem, but was useless when it came to playing football (skillz aside). I could brawl during jiu-jitsu for around 3 minutes but couldn't run more than 400m without having to slow down and/or stop.

If you "just want to get fit" I'm going to assume you mean you want to be able to run longer distances and recover quickly. So in that case, do exactly that instead. :)
If a gym increases your monthly membership fee, is it possible to cancel the contract? My gym have said the price is going up by 10%, and really I don't want to spend that much, it expensive enough as it was.

I'm pretty sure the most you can legally get away with without allowing people to cancel is raising by less than or equal to the rate of inflation so tell them to stick their 10%
Friday night squats: Another PB night.

Aim was to PB on squats for all of us.

Warm ups
200x1 - easy enough, feeling good for a gym PB of 210 then a proper PB of 215 (we only put on the board what someone else has witnissed, so my real PB is 210 but they have only seen 205).
210xf - leaning forwards, had to drop
210xf - just couldn't get up
210xf - ****. Tiny touch from the spotter, he said I was going forward. Got the lift up without help but can't claim gym PB.

Ah well, maybe next heavy session before new year.
I've got two and the don't cause me problems...

Provided you get and keep your back straight (rigid) and core tight. Do it with somebody who knows what they're doing to spot you initially.
Anyone got any recommendation how to build boulder shoulders, front delt more than anything. Going to try bring them up in next months for the Bodypower Expo. Got a photo today and my arm is a LOT bigger than my top of shoulder. That's really not a good thing :(

Currently doing shoulder press(seated) db or MP standing alternating each week but not much is happening and yes im going heavy!
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