*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Skipped training yesterday and pleased I did as today went about 10 times better then I expected

So no HST 5's today, it was all about the form and working the squats and deadlifts :)

Down to Oxford with LiE, Delvis, Steedie, and the gracious hosts Dom and Ice, first up it was squats.

I thoug ok let's work on form and focus in on improving things and learning from the expertise of ice and Dom, that I wouldn't normally have access to.

Bar x8
Bar x 8
60 x 5
120x1 things are feeling good, really good, time to stick its singles, haven't squatted more then 130 since July at the last gym rate meet.
150x1 (matched pb, but much better form and 7kg lighter)
160xf both so close, but pleased considering no heavy squatting in 5 months

Deadlifts, I felt this was my worst lift, well let's see...

150 skipped (current pb)
160x1 my old nemesis I was expecting a fight, seems like I won with ease :D
170x1 another new pb so please
Fatigued now massively, but so so pleased with today

Just for fun and cause I never get to see my back

I echo what delvis and steedie have said, awesome day
Did you get my squat Syla? I can't remember who filmed it :D

Epic lifting though mate, the speed at which 160 and 170 came up were frightening
Emailed it to you dude ;)

Cheers, I was well chuffed I think that can be seen at the end of my dl vids :D

Mmmm dinner time

Sounds like you guys had one heck of a good time, congrats with all the new PBs :)

Emailed it to you dude ;)

Cheers, I was well chuffed I think that can be seen at the end of my dl vids :D

Mmmm dinner time


Hope that's just the starter :D Such victory deserves more spoils ;)
I've got two and the don't cause me problems...

Provided you get and keep your back straight (rigid) and core tight. Do it with somebody who knows what they're doing to spot you initially.

Sorry what do you mean you have two? As in goes both ways?

I don't really have a spotter of sorts as I go solo at the gym and sides I don't trust the people at my gym as most of them seem to only ever do arms and chest and even then they are more posers than lifters.

My "morning after" breakfast :)

I am feeling moderately less raped then I thought I was going to, hmmm I wonder when the doms will kick in :D
My glutes feel like theyve been through a tenderiser or something.

And icecold, thanks for jamming your thumb in unknown places, feels great today ;)
Sorry what do you mean you have two? As in goes both ways?

I don't really have a spotter of sorts as I go solo at the gym and sides I don't trust the people at my gym as most of them seem to only ever do arms and chest and even then they are more posers than lifters.

Yeah... A 're-curve' as such. :rolleyes:

Had back problems most of my growing life because of a combination of childhood rickets, poor posture and a lack of proper remediation. Weight training that recruits the whole back for stability (dead lifts, barbell rows, squats) and core work (roll-outs, planks, single leg planks, pallof press, etc.) is key to stabilising your back, as well as lots of soft tissue stretching and mobility work.
Yeah... A 're-curve' as such. :rolleyes:

Had back problems most of my growing life because of a combination of childhood rickets, poor posture and a lack of proper remediation. Weight training that recruits the whole back for stability (dead lifts, barbell rows, squats) and core work (roll-outs, planks, single leg planks, pallof press, etc.) is key to stabilising your back, as well as lots of soft tissue stretching and mobility work.

Amazes me how so many people wont do back work because they have bad backs and have no idea that the way to have a healthy back is to sodding well work it. As soon as someone untrained with crap diet and crap posture tells me they cant do deadlift because their back will 'go', i end the conversation on weight training and fitness permanently. (that sounds like i kill them, which is rarely the case)
Amazes me how so many people wont do back work because they have bad backs and have no idea that the way to have a healthy back is to sodding well work it. As soon as someone untrained with crap diet and crap posture tells me they cant do deadlift because their back will 'go', i end the conversation on weight training and fitness permanently. (that sounds like i kill them, which is rarely the case)

I don't think it helps when a lot of doctors advise people not to lift height things in general when you do have a bad back
Oh plyos why you so mean :( seem to have injured my hip flexor! Can't do more than a half squat :/ I've hit my targets for the year so I'll focus more on bench for the time being :)
Amazes me how so many people wont do back work because they have bad backs and have no idea that the way to have a healthy back is to sodding well work it. As soon as someone untrained with crap diet and crap posture tells me they cant do deadlift because their back will 'go', i end the conversation on weight training and fitness permanently. (that sounds like i kill them, which is rarely the case)

Rarely the case that you kill them but it's always at the back of your mind...

The spinal specialist I saw when I had back problems said that I shouldn't really be doing weights but then he also questioned why I'd walk or run anywhere when I could use the car - I'm hoping he was at least partially joking but I did think at that point I might as well discount anything he said about fitness. The most useful thing he did say was that they could operate but there wasn't much point as it would just heal on its own given time.
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