*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Wow...that's the kind of gymnastic strength and balance I'd a like to have! And the way the guy was doing the 1 handed rope climb at ~ 28s...:cool:
Rarely the case that you kill them but it's always at the back of your mind...

The spinal specialist I saw when I had back problems said that I shouldn't really be doing weights but then he also questioned why I'd walk or run anywhere when I could use the car - I'm hoping he was at least partially joking but I did think at that point I might as well discount anything he said about fitness. The most useful thing he did say was that they could operate but there wasn't much point as it would just heal on its own given time.

If your doctor is a private specialist paid for by yourself or your insurance, listen to him. If he is anything to do with the NHS you will only get 'safe' stock replies that minimise his/her liability in the event of a complication.

"Stay in bed shut the curtains and try not to die till my pension is up." - NHS motto
That's some kind of insane strength. Much like a climbers strength, whilst not huge physically, there's a huge amount of strength there, absolutely incredible. Dumbell Hand Stand Push Ups were perhaps the most incredible sign of balance in my mind almost.

God knows how you do that on a Vegan diet, presuming things like Whey must be off the table. They must eat a huge amount of spinach xD

I dont think its all that shocking, much as i hate vegans, and i really really do the fart sniffing self righteous imbeceiles that they are, they do take care of themselves, that is if they want to live past 19. The vegan diet has to be strictly controlled and monitored to ensure the self-loving-left-wing-cabbage-sniffers, obtain a decent macro and vitamin balance, this includes close monitoring of their amino profile.

As a result most of these awful, despicable slime coated amoebas of human conciousness, probably keep a closer eye on their protein balance than the majority of even experienced trainees, and since you dont need vast quantities of protein to be strong and lean, as opposed to getting huge, even these fecal-stained-smug-peddling-baby-killers can get into some spectacular shape.
Circuit training? Just to the same workouts at higher reps (x16)/much lower loads )whatever you can comfortably rep) and as 'megasets' or whatever.

The point is not exhaustion as in Crossfit/hypertrophy, but getting your heart rate up. You can intersperse the weights with fast treadmill work if you really wanted to...

What are you trying to achieve from a fitness perspective? Cardio fitness? Or football/weight training/etc. fitness? Because they're all pretty sport specific. I could cycle at 80% power output for around 25 minutes without any problem, but was useless when it came to playing football (skillz aside). I could brawl during jiu-jitsu for around 3 minutes but couldn't run more than 400m without having to slow down and/or stop.

If you "just want to get fit" I'm going to assume you mean you want to be able to run longer distances and recover quickly. So in that case, do exactly that instead. :)

My training is aimed at quite a specific event.
Overall fitness is the (life) goal, but the switch from heavy weights to circuit (or fitness) based training will be for this


it is called "football" in the loosest sense of the word.
My training is aimed at quite a specific event.
Overall fitness is the (life) goal, but the switch from heavy weights to circuit (or fitness) based training will be for this


it is called "football" in the loosest sense of the word.

I would suggest the following, then:

1) lobotomy;
2) shave your head
3) fill yourself full of Fosters or something...

I can live to be a 1000 years old, I'll never understand my body.

I've had flu for a week, ate a tub and a half of Quality Street (spread over a week), pizzas, coke, no training, every sugary food or drink you can think of in abundance, yet I've lost 4kg, my middle tightened up so much so that my abs have been the best it's ever been in 10 years. I don't know. Guess I'm just training and dieting to make a mug of myself. I've stumbled upon the Elixir of Abs. Flu!!
Is this real life?

Also, you've dropped heavy weight work because...?

Apparently, big weights aren't great for fitness, and circuitz0rs are where it's at for Crosfit-style numbskullness. :rolleyes: :D

To be fair, if he's just running around a field (or series of fields) for a few days, then he/s probably better off mixing heavy weights with shuttle runs for standard, boring football fitness...
Soft Tissue work:

how much time should you leave between doing soft tissue work, before doing it again in the same area, to allow for best recovery/effect?

Would every other day be ok?
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