*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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+ a few other posts I can't be bothered quoting...


Your assumption that you shouldn't "go heavy" is false.

Your assumption that circuits have to involve weights is false.

Your assumption that 12+ reps trains endurance is, largely, false.

Your assumption that your body needs a 6 week break from low reps is false.

Noticing a pattern?

could you expand on these points please.
Not because I doubt you but because I want to understand.

I will first though expand on why these are what I am led to believe

Could we also clarify what we are both talking about when we say "go heavy" I mean 3 - 5 reps, others have mentioned 6 - 8.

Part of the reason I want to up the reps for 6 weeks is to take a break from heavy (very taxing on the body I'm sure you will agree) and partly because I wanted to incorporate more fitness into my training (lets not go over old ground though i have accepted that you believe this is wrong)

I didn't say circuits have to involve weights ?
I said I wanted to do circuits that involved weights but wasn't sure where to start

My assumption of training 12+ reps for endurance is based on
quite some time ago when I started to take my weight training more seriously I wanted to know what I needed to do to train strength so went and researched on various websites and they all generally said the same (the rep ranges varied slightly but I had to draw a line somewhere in my post)

My assumption that my body needs a break from heavy,
It is not so much it needs a break from heavy specifically more that it was recommended by an ex bodybuilder to change the regime I am doing every 6 - 8 weeks.
I am led to believe that the body gets used to doing things and adapts itself, you start lifting weights, it grows, it gets stronger. etc. but after a while it stops developing as it gets used to what you throw at it, and this can lead to plataues and stagnancy in your training
By changing your training every so often it keeps the body guessing and never allows it to (for want of a better word) "relax" it will help prevent plateaus and aid constant progression

I may not have done the best job explaining my points (information is never as good 2nd hand after all)
You can do 3-5 reps of anything mate, but unless you have a slab of iron on the bar you can barely shift it for 2 reps let alone 3 reps, it ain't heavy! :p

And yes haters, I'm aware I'm to go that heavy just yet ;)
Dogsbody are you trolling?

Seriously you have seemingly avoiding the information your being given and asking the different things each time.

Do whatever you think will suit you best, seeing as the best advice has already been given and your ignoring it.
Dogsbody are you trolling?

Seriously you have seemingly avoiding the information your being given and asking the different things each time.

Do whatever you think will suit you best, seeing as the best advice has already been given and your ignoring it.

Jesus christ you are hard work!!

Can a bloke not have a discussion about something??
I'm sorry if I come across as having not listened, but what you have all told me contradicts what I "knew" before starting this discussion, I am just trying to get my head around and understand the science behind what you are telling me, I don't accept things at face value "because some bloke on the internet said so" I appreciate you are a veteran weight lifter but that doesn't mean I can't dig deeper into what you are saying.

I am listening, I am taking on board opinions, perhaps I read too much into things I don't know.
Jesus christ you are hard work!!

Can a bloke not have a discussion about something??
I'm sorry if I come across as having not listened, but what you have all told me contradicts what I "knew" before starting this discussion, I am just trying to get my head around and understand the science behind what you are telling me, I don't accept things at face value "because some bloke on the internet said so" I appreciate you are a veteran weight lifter but that doesn't mean I can't dig deeper into what you are saying.

I am listening, I am taking on board opinions, perhaps I read too much into things I don't know.

sorry if you think I am being hard work, but the advice you were given, answered all the questions you keep on asking. Re read the replies you got with the new knowledge we have provided and hopefully they will make more sense.

I have bolded above the part that should help you see how the advice your being given isn't rubbish. (if you miss it, it's the fact that we are all saying the same thing)
Will someone just explain things to Dogsbody when they post help/advice? It's making me think I'm reading my own posts back :( :p
I wonder if a all-body workout (circuit style/minimum rest) might be up your street? Essentially it's one or two compound moments per body part. Something like this: http://www.muscletech.com/resources/features/full_body_workout/index.shtml

In my experiences, I found I was able to lift heavier by doing splits rather than full body.

Is it just me, that suffers doing FB workouts? Eg: After bench pressing, I would be depleted of energy to even think of doing OHP and then dips..

But on the other hand... I like the idea of training muscle more than once a week.

Again, DOMS. Would they improve the more regularily you train a muscle?
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Is it just me, that suffers doing FB workouts? Eg: After bench pressing, I would be depleted of energy to even think of doing OHP and then dips..

Its just a poorly conditioned CNS or too much volume. At your level i doubt the CNS could hack a full body routine at anything like the volume you are used to. If you trained full body regularily it would improve but volume is the key too much kills anyone.
Its just a poorly conditioned CNS or too much volume. At your level i doubt the CNS could hack a full body routine at anything like the volume you are used to. If you trained full body regularily it would improve but volume is the key too much kills anyone.

So are you saying that a FB routine is useless to me?

Bench Presses, OHP, Pull-Ups, Barbell Curls, Dips, Leg Raises, Leg Press, Calf Raises

Three times a week?


From my expeinces my legs take 4-5 days for the doms to go, so training legs 3 times a week with only one day inbetween is not realistic.

Something like:

Monday and Thursday would work right, as in doing a FB twice a week is fine.


I used this to workout my protein requirements. I weight 70kg and a few years back I had my fat % calculated at 22% so based on this and the website formula = 150g protein a day.

Sound right?
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