*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I'll be eating well - but I'm not going to gorge myself for the lols. Will still try and hit the gym when I'm not down at the outlaws - or at least do some sort of exercise, be it walking/skipping etc...

Besides, the more muscle you have the more calories you consume! So all of your are more hench than last year, so you'll be fine! ;)

Exactly what I'll be doing as well.

everyone will have nice food out everywhere.
This office for example has never seen so many sweets, bisuits, cakes, mince pies, muffins, etc.

We have (collectively) Plowed through enough to feed an average sized african family for about 6 months in the last 2 weeks between about 10 of us.

If you can't enjoy christmas what can you enjoy ?

I do know I will be slightly depressed when I step on the scales the week after but if I can put it on, I can take it off again.
Plus MoNkeE gets half way through his Christmas, feels like he's getting fat and starts to cut for the rest of the festive period, so he's learnt to enjoy it for other reasons than food :X
That's the thing, I don't enjoy Christmas by eating horrible processed, chocolate and general crap. It's about family/friends time, not based around food. But Christmas dinner is epix.

This is my feeling on the matter. I think once you are truly into the lifters way of life sweets and chocolate and cakes and what not just doesnt hold the appeal it does for average joes or new trainees. Whilst i do like the odd sweet treat, say a doughnut or maybe a peice of apple crumble. Its not something i can gorge on and i cant imagine the idea of looking forward to eating cakes pies and chocolate all day. What im looking forward to is a pile of mash potato! Some crispy goose fat roasted spuds. Thick slices of moist turkey.

I think its important to look at where you are on the path of the lifter at times like these. If you see Christmas as an excuse to go completely calorie mad, purely for the sake of it, then you really do have a long way to go indeed.
what can I say.
I am weak minded :D

although christmas dinner is always epic with our family.

Oh and just to add, my target is to each so much junk food I actually become sick of the sight/taste of it.

Being serious for one second though (that is allowed in here right)
I don't enjoy sweet stuff as much as I used to before I started eating healthy. I look forward to chicken more than anything.
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Behind neck press on a Smith (seated). Unfortunately I let the bar go just a bit too low and heard / felt a 'pop' from my right shoulder. Luckily I had the hooks on so just dropped the bar, god knows what would have happened if I didn't (had 120kg on it). Suffice to say I was in agony and thought my training days were over! :o

This is one of the reasons Ive only ever done front presses. Behind the neck rotates me shoulder so uncomfortably. Its so frustrating having shoulder issues. They hold back so many good exercises :(
Behind neck press on a Smith (seated). Unfortunately I let the bar go just a bit too low and heard / felt a 'pop' from my right shoulder. Luckily I had the hooks on so just dropped the bar, god knows what would have happened if I didn't (had 120kg on it). Suffice to say I was in agony and thought my training days were over! :o

Unlucky fella. You are stupidly strong though, well jealous of your shoulder strength
Yup. This is exercise is now on my blacklist along with upright rows! For most people however it should be fine but I've always had niggling problems with shoulders.

Thats another exercise I really struggle with so I do something alternative.

I know you are experienced so what Im saying wont be much use, but I now do cable face pulls from above and below, But stand far out so that the low ones arent upright, they are a lot more comfortable.

Im not sure it engages the same muscles as the upright rows but when I do them from the bottom of the pulley they feel similar but dont hurt me.
Yeah they have been in my routine for over a year now and they definitely gave me some results. Last week I sat on a box in the centre of a twin pulley/cable fly rig. I had one side Set at the top, and one side set at the bottom. I just supersetted 10 from upper with 10 from lower and the feeling was awesome.
Does anyone elses chest *Pop* / Crack occasionally? In the similar way to cracking knuckles sometimes my chest feels a little tense and I stretch out and get a crack in my sternum. Feels gooooood :)
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