*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Is that a sun spot? No sir its a 12 year old

Known for incessant texting, playing call of duty and worrying OAP's by wearing a hat at an angle other than as directed.

I used to think you were just a bit of a ****.

This has changed. I still think you are a bit of a ****, but I also love you so much I want to give you a massive hug.

Come here you!
all this talk of sport/weight lifting doing our youth some good, it doesnt seem to work for america as the fattest country in the world....

i am all for better sport in school and also think that weight training should be brought in at 13/14 as well but i dont think sweeping statements such as "it will really sort out the health of the country" will come true....
America has a lot of people. A lot of fatties. Being fat is easier. The thing is, their athletes are head and shoulders above ours because those that choose to apply themselves to that discipline get a far stronger head start.

It's not about having the most fatties, it's about having the best sportsmen.
they are the fattest nation by % not by pure volume, so the comparison is still fair. India and china both have over a billion people each, yet arnt fatter then the americans who have only circa 300million

by comparison as a country we won more medals then any other country per member of the population (at least in the top 10 of the medals table we did!) so that would suggest that our volume of top level atheletes is higher by proportion then theirs.
Regarding British School sports I always thought that schools should allow classes to support the school Football/Rugby teams whenever they have a game. I think it would encourage the team to be better and more kids to play.
Yes but that's not the point we're trying to draw. Fatties gon' fat, everyone knows that. The state 'Murica is in is a direct result of its consumerism and fast food life style, and will never change. What we're saying however, is that a lot of schools etc in the States massively push sports. As a result of that their top athletes are typically exceptional.

The fact is, if we as a nation pushed sports harder in school, we'd get better results in things like the Olympics, Strongman competitions etc.. We'd have people starting their training at a younger age. I think virtually everyone (bar Dom ;D) here will admit they wished they'd started lifting at a much younger age. I didn't start until I was 21 or 22 - imagine where I'd be now if I'd started at 16!

Inb4 Steedie says I still wouldn't have arms :X
Over done it this week using Arnies starter routines from his book, 4 days in a row, different muscles each day, never had DOMS this bad, just tried to wash my cup up in the sink, was killing me just doing that... love it :D got a wedding later, not sure how ill get on with the dancing hah

Narked off there are no gyms in my town

DW open times over christmas

24/12 6:30am to 4pm
25/12 closed
26/12 8am to 6pm
27/12 6:30am to 10pm
28/12 6:30am to 10pm
29/12 8am to 8pm
30/12 8am to 8pm
31/12 6:30am to 5pm
1/1 8am to 6pm
2/1 6:30am to 10pm

just incase you decide to get that 12 days for £12 deal, you only have until christmas eve to buy it as well
Out of interest what age did most of you start training at then ?
The gym that I was using just closed and a lot of the lads were young (read 17 - 20)

Myself I probably started around 26/27 not 100% sure as wasn't taking anything seriously when I started, but I guess most people start like this.
started when i was around 15 and that was down to a mate who invited me to tag along. didnt do anything serious untill i hit my 20's mind.
I still would have like to have started with really training earlier Monkee!! :p

I was in the gym from when I was around 14, but that was training for rowing with a bit of ego thrown in so it wasn't the best. I started properly when I was 17 but it took me a long time to get things right so it was probably around 18-19 when things got good, but then I got injured :(. I turned 20 in September :).

I would have absolutely loved to have had access to decent training/knowledge when I was 14-15 like you get in the states. The fact that I had to correct my PE teacher on the position of muscles when my friends were doing GCSE PE says a lot about the level of knowledge at my school. IMO kids in schools should have their PE teach them things that we are learning now so by the time the get to an age when they want to train for real they can perform so much better. Imagine how many injuries could be avoided just by people knowing the correct way to move.
Dom, what's been your biggest motivation from such a young age? Having Scott there to train you as well, or have you both learnt the knowledge from training together?
I started at 23, wish it was earlier, but at the same time I don't

If I started when I was 18, knowing how seriously I take it now, I would have missed out on a lot of stuff that an 18 year old should be doing. So yeah, kind of a blessing in disguise. Because it means now, I have no regrets about not drinking and being an idiot, because I've done all that and got it out my system
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