*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Over done it this week using Arnies starter routines from his book, 4 days in a row, different muscles each day, never had DOMS this bad, just tried to wash my cup up in the sink, was killing me just doing that... love it :D got a wedding later, not sure how ill get on with the dancing hah

Got a link to his routine?
Maybe not Hydroxycut. :D

Same here, though, dude: I was a very fast sprinter at a young age, clearing 100m in 11.6 seconds (school record), but neglected sport for academia. I now have a PhD, but only started training a month before hitting 30.

If I'd known what I know now, I'd have been training to be an Olympic weightlifter, and a competitive one, rather than heading for an uninteresting showing at Masters events. :(
I started weight training when I was 17. One year on now and I'm totally hooked, I can see me doing it for the rest of my life, love it!
Dom, what's been your biggest motivation from such a young age? Having Scott there to train you as well, or have you both learnt the knowledge from training together?

He was a little ahead of me but the majority of the advanced stuff we have learned together, excluding some things. I'm sure he might argue it differently though :p.

I have just always been into sports and I'm one of those people who doesn't like sitting still and not doing anything. Getting into a sport with friends (rowing) and then getting into the habit of training was important to me as well. I think I was training about 12 times a week when I was 16. Now if I don't go to the gym for more than 2 days I get really grumpy :D.
I started weight training when I was 17. One year on now and I'm totally hooked, I can see me doing it for the rest of my life, love it!

If you stick with it and train smart you will be one of the strongest guys in the country, you are already miles ahead of nearly everyone your age. If you wanted one piece of advice to take above all others it's to learn everything. Seriously, if you know everything about how your body works then you will never get injured and you can make sure that every minute of your training is as good as it can be. Follow that up with nutrition that is spot on and you will be a force to be reckoned with.

I do hate you for being so strong btw :D
I don't think I would have wanted to be a top athlete had I the knowledge that I have now, but I would have almost certainly started training earlier and not let myself get to 19 stone at 23.

But that's the thing you can't be where you are now without having made mistakes so ce la vie ?
If you stick with it and train smart you will be one of the strongest guys in the country, you are already miles ahead of nearly everyone your age. If you wanted one piece of advice to take above all others it's to learn everything. Seriously, if you know everything about how your body works then you will never get injured and you can make sure that every minute of your training is as good as it can be. Follow that up with nutrition that is spot on and you will be a force to be reckoned with.

I do hate you for being so strong btw :D

Haha cheers Dom 8) I am trying to learn everything but there is so god dam much! Mobility is something I really need to start researching into more because I'm now noticing a few tights spots when I'm trying out new exercises. A decent diet will be starting next month in preparation for march but I've still got the problem that I can hardly stomach any vegetables at all :(

Edit: Anyone know the best place to buy a Foam roller, hockey ball (or is it called lacrosse?) and a pair of good wrist wraps?
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I've been reading about 'screwing your feet in' when doing squats, deads etc and how it helps to stop your knees coming in. (Something I experience with squats...) Can anyone tell me what we mean by screwing our feet in? It obviously has nothing to do with screws and nails through our feet?! (I hope! :o) :D
I've been reading about 'screwing your feet in' when doing squats, deads etc and how it helps to stop your knees coming in. (Something I experience with squats...) Can anyone tell me what we mean by screwing our feet in? It obviously has nothing to do with screws and nails through our feet?! (I hope! :o) :D

I might be completely wrong, but does it have something to do with equally pushing through your heels?
I've been reading about 'screwing your feet in' when doing squats, deads etc and how it helps to stop your knees coming in. (Something I experience with squats...) Can anyone tell me what we mean by screwing our feet in? It obviously has nothing to do with screws and nails through our feet?! (I hope! :o) :D

So you come out of the rack to squat, your feet are between 5-10 degress off pointing straight forward.

Now without moving your foot at all rotate from the hip right down through your heel (right leg clockwise, left leg anti-clockwise) This should put you in to a nice strong stance, and it should be much harder for your knees to both counter the outward pushing of your knees, and the screw as well.

I hope that is a good enough explaination, its kind of hard to get across the exact movement and feeling in words.
So you come out of the rack to squat, your feet are between 5-10 degress off pointing straight forward.

Now without moving your foot at all rotate from the hip right down through your heel (right leg clockwise, left leg anti-clockwise) This should put you in to a nice strong stance, and it should be much harder for your knees to both counter the outward pushing of your knees, and the screw as well.

I hope that is a good enough explaination, its kind of hard to get across the exact movement and feeling in words.

To add to this:

pushing your heels through the floor is quite a different thing to screwing your heels in to the floor. If you setup first by screwing in then push through your heels that is the best thing to do.
Haha cheers Dom 8) I am trying to learn everything but there is so god dam much! Mobility is something I really need to start researching into more because I'm now noticing a few tights spots when I'm trying out new exercises. A decent diet will be starting next month in preparation for march but I've still got the problem that I can hardly stomach any vegetables at all :(

Edit: Anyone know the best place to buy a Foam roller, hockey ball (or is it called lacrosse?) and a pair of good wrist wraps?

Foam rollers: just look on amazon (these are good)

Lacrosse balls: http://zenithsports.com/product_info.php?products_id=14
hockey, baseball and tennis balls work

Wrist wraps:http://www.pullum-sports.co.uk/acce...-max-rpm-wrist-wraps-ipf-legal-/prod_577.html
You'll probably want the 50cm ones. Before you buy any though, if you want them because you are getting discomfort find out why first, you might save yourself some money. They are by no means necessary but they have a place, personally I haven't reached that yet so I don't want to buy any :).
pushing your heels through the floor is quite a different thing to screwing your heels in to the floor. If you setup first by screwing in then push through your heels that is the best thing to do.

what i do is this, i put a heavy bar on my back and i try to sit down without falling over, then i try to stand up, again, without falling over. If i can do this 7 or 8 times i try it again with more weight. But thats just me.
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