*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

I need some squat stands /rack that will be fine to use inside at home. Any idea what kind of stand's should I look at? Cheaper the better!

Some of you may remember I made myself some knock up squat stands ;) Which have served their purpose but I am in the same boat (Lack of space) And I want to get myself something better to squat /bench from. Preferably with spotter catchers for those OMG moments.

This looks like the beast I am looking for but I thought best to ask first :: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bodymax-CF415-Squat-Spotter-Catchers/dp/B003UU66M8
Right so I am trying to set up a routine to help the GF basically lose excess fat and achieve that beach body that everyone one is chasing after. I've taken Steedie's beginners guide as the basis. Being a female she doesn't want to get big, which I told her she shouldn't but in addition she doesn't want to get bigger calves as she feels hers are quite protrusive as they are, so can anyone advise on the below?

WO1 (Chest/Shoulder/Triceps)

Flat Bench Press – 3x8
Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x8
Cable bent-over Tricep extensions– 3x8
Cable pushdown - 3x8
Seated Dumbbell Military Press -3x8
Lateral Dumbbell Raises – 3x8

WO 2 (Back/Biceps)

Dead lifts – 3x8
Bent over one arm Dumbbell rows – 3x8
Chin Ups/Lat Pull Downs 3x8
Dumbbell hammer Curls – 3x8

W03 (Legs/Abs)

Squats – 3x8
Dumbbell Lunges – 3x8
Abdominal workout
She won't get big, so don't worry about that.

If she wants to lose weight I'd lean towards a full body workout 3 times a week, short rest times. The diet will need to be tracked and kept in check, otherwise it's going to be a struggle to make any noticeable difference.

Diet - calorie deficit, start with ~300 drop. Weigh in weekly, and adjust calories if needed.
Training - Full body, lots of compounds, short rest.

Something I quickly knocked together.


Squats 3x10
Bench Press 3x10
Walking DB Lunges 3x15
Assisted Pull ups 3x10

Deadlift 3x10
Over head press 3x10
Bent over Rows 3x10
Assisted Dips 3x10

Squats 3x10
Close Grip Bench Press 3x10
Bulgarian Split Squats 3x10
TRX Inverted Rows 3x10
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TRX Inverted Rows

That plan looks good! Thanks!

I am not sure about the TRX Inverted Row though, I don't fully understand it myself. Is it just a case of loading up the cable machine to the max and then pulling yourself off the ground?

Also why full body over split muscle groups?
So today I was helping out my club by volunteering to be the head referee at a comp.

OUPLC vs Cambridge Uni Powerlifting Varsity.

Great little comp with some very good lifters. Cambridge ended up winning with 1110 WILKS points compared to Oxford's 1050 (or something like that) spread across the top 5 lifters from each team. Best lifter of the day was a girl (!:eek:!) with a WILKS of 370! She totalled 300kg (105/55/140) weighing 50.9kg. That's right chaps, time to up your game :D

It would have been even closer if one of our best lifters hadn't torn his pec just over a month ago. He was probably looking at a 160kg bench, but had to make do with a token 100kg. He did manage to beat me to a 600lb (272.5kg) deadlift though :mad:.

There was also a 19y/o 80kg lifter who pulled 255kg :eek:

Only had to fail 1 guy on depth for squats. I was being pretty generous though, a LOT wouldn't have passed in the GBPF. Failed a guy for not locking out a sumo deadlift which got me a few funny looks as some didn't quite understand :D It was fine though, people understood who was boss :mad:;)

Great atmosphere throughout, and it earned me a free Nandos. Gains.
I think he did it initially doing some overload work using his slingshot, but properly screwed himself up doing 120kg in his next session.

Being a ref wasn't actually as annoying as I thought it might be, but I did also assume the role of MC which made it less boring :)
She was not.


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