*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

Me and Delvis where chatting about this today. He found this: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online...ance_repair/the_right_way_to_stretch_the_pecs

...which explains it well. Don't go looking anywhere in the internet though, there is some absolute rubbish. Search on Mobility WOD for shoulder internal rotation, shoulder external rotation, and anything on pec or pec minor stretching and soft tissue work.

Started last night, seems slightly better, just need to keep on doing it, especially after the way you explained how it effects us more so day to day.
Hi Icecold

I just started doing the first exercise stretch in this video http://youtu.be/wr1ONXcq3yM

And i have been doing the one where you twist your palms then do a shrug movement.

Is this a good start? What else would you advise to sort my back out

Hi Icecold

I just started doing the first exercise stretch in this video http://youtu.be/wr1ONXcq3yM

And i have been doing the one where you twist your palms then do a shrug movement.

Is this a good start? What else would you advise to sort my back out


How about all of this:

I'm sure your mum is a wonderful lady, but it's hardly surprising that she doesn't see what's going on in the way that I do. Even though that picture isn't great, I can still see the problems. Again, this is nothing to worry about, provided that you put the effort in to fixing it.

I'm going to have to revamp the mobility thread so the links work (:mad:), but while you wait for that to happen just stretch your pecs every day.

Me and Delvis where chatting about this today. He found this: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online...ance_repair/the_right_way_to_stretch_the_pecs

...which explains it well. Don't go looking anywhere in the internet though, there is some absolute rubbish. Search on Mobility WOD for shoulder internal rotation, shoulder external rotation, and anything on pec or pec minor stretching and soft tissue work.

While the first stretch is partially the same, I would read the article before doing anything else, it explains things better.
Now I'm about to come across as a bit of a bell end, but if you can't be arsed to read what is quite a short 2 page article then why should anyone else be arsed to put the time in to spoon feed you.
Now I'm about to come across as a bit of a bell end, but if you can't be arsed to read what is quite a short 2 page article then why should anyone else be arsed to put the time in to spoon feed you.

With my disability it's hard for me to concentrate on reading and such
Nice bumble bee car brah, When you guna take me for a ride xoxox ;)

I would bro, but I haven't had the car for well over two years now. But you're right, a bodykitted, modified, engine converted to 3.0l V6, convertible sports car is totally girly.

And by bro I mean never my bro.

Break it down and do it in chunks then you'll still get a lot more from it when you gain some understanding behind what and why you're doing it rather than someone just saying do this this and this.
It's really long winded for me to read all of it, I had a brief look through it.

..............Then I wish you good luck in your shoulder-snap goals of 2013.

With my disability it's hard for me to concentrate on reading and such

Fair enough, even so, if it's going to help you understand how your shoulder works and why you should be doing this (even more so because you go to the gym) then why are you not at least trying?

In fact, if I knew what I know now about my shoulders, they probably wouldn't be as jacked up as they are, I certainly wouldn't be struggling to press 14kg DB's over my head with pain today either.
..............Then I wish you good luck in your shoulder-snap goals of 2013.

Fair enough, even so, if it's going to help you understand how your shoulder works and why you should be doing this (even more so because you go to the gym) then why are you not at least trying?

In fact, if I knew what I know now about my shoulders, they probably wouldn't be as jacked up as they are, I certainly wouldn't be struggling to press 14kg DB's over my head with pain today either.

I'm going to have a proper read of it later but not all at once, I am trying, but i got so many things i need to sort out with my body atm, Got clicking knee when i do squats. Need to go to hospital to scan my liver cause somethings not right, Got the pain in my elbow/forearm, And now my posture needs working out.

I'm like a old man already lol
As ice said, the elbow/forearm issue could likely be related to shoulder issues. Fix one, fix both.

Clicking in the knee is one thing, discomfort and/or pain is another; which is it?
As ice said, the elbow/forearm issue could likely be related to shoulder issues. Fix one, fix both.

Clicking in the knee is one thing, discomfort and/or pain is another; which is it?

It's just clicking, No pain or anything. It was on the Hammer strength V Squat, Wasn't happening on the leg press. It will probably be fine next week. Just went a little bit heavier than normal this morning.
I'm going to have a proper read of it later but not all at once, I am trying, but i got so many things i need to sort out with my body atm, Got clicking knee when i do squats. Need to go to hospital to scan my liver cause somethings not right, Got the pain in my elbow/forearm, And now my posture needs working out.

I'm like a old man already lol

Don't start mate believe me :D

Knee trouble, back pain 24/7 from an injury February last year, jaffed right shoulder, what feels like a jaffed A/C joint, gammy right foot, tinnitus in both ears 24/7, dry eyes which causes me to fall over a hell of a lot and lose balance, along with some other personal things I just won't voice on here ;)

We all have our own problems and I'm sure you didn't literally mean 'I can't be bothered to read the article it's too long'......Basically, read it when you can but start action asap :)
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