Following advice on here for some months now I've been following the Lean Gains IF Diet with 3 sessions a week training. The results have been pretty incredible, maintained a feeding window most days 1-9pm. I got fed up of calorie counting etc so I basically followed the rule of having low fat/high carbs on training days and no carbs/high fat on rest days (unless alcohol was consumed in which case I just ate lean bits of chicken and carbs).
Anyway, made terrific gains and looking great however I'm now off to India for 2 months. I'm terrified of the low protein problem and I really don't want to come back to the gym in August and be incredibly weak again. Has anyone got any tips for maintaining/minimising muscle loss whilst travelling? I'm thinking of doing 3 full-body workouts a week as before although I won't have a gym. I'll maintain the LG IF principles where I can. Thinking of pistol squats, press ups, pull ups with whatever I can find etc.
Any ideas?