*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

Yea I remember you saying you are a fellow scoliosis sufferer as well.

What's this mobility test? Link to video at all? I should read though the mobility thread but there's just so much in there...
I'd expect to pay £25 for 5kg but my local butcher wanted extra to dice it so I done it myself. I wish i'd payed the extra...
Yea I remember you saying you are a fellow scoliosis sufferer as well.

What's this mobility test? Link to video at all? I should read though the mobility thread but there's just so much in there...

Have a look for thoracic spine, hip and shoulder mobility work.

There isn't really a single 'thing' because types and severities vary: I'd done a lot of martial arts as a kid and at nicer sixty, o my issues were exacerbated by unbalanced and 'overdeveloped' spinal erectors...

To rectify, a good physio will be able to spot any issues, but the treatment will be the same: mobilisation, stretching and strengthening (foam rollers, joint specific work, and bucketloads of core exercises)... :)

However, do this to the point where you feel you are no longer stiff, sore or immobile in a given plane, and lifting weights will be the best thing you can do for it. :D
Does any one use an on line butchers? I have looked at a few that sell 5 kg packs of chicken and greater but it is impossible to really know the quality with out parting with a reasonable amount of money.
Chaps my trainers that I wear to the gym are a bit worse for wear (some flat soled Adidas) and my Brookes running shoes don't really fit any more.

I know a few of you have Vibrams, which ones would you recommend (if suitable!) for mainly gym work but a bit of running too and are they suitable for cycling?

There's an dealer in Brighton so I will get them from there I think.
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I like my Komodosports but it's quite a personal thing if you decide to go down a minimalist running route, and you can't just go bombing around in them the same as with trainers - it takes time to break your body (calves!) into them. I'm not sure how good they'd be for cycling - mine are useless because they're so thin and I have spikes on my pedals!

The KS, Bikila... actually most of their current range bar the more trek/water based ones are good for the gym and running. The El-Xs they're about to release are the cheapest but also ultra minimal (they're literally about as close to rubber socks as Vibram have gone).

Following advice on here for some months now I've been following the Lean Gains IF Diet with 3 sessions a week training. The results have been pretty incredible, maintained a feeding window most days 1-9pm. I got fed up of calorie counting etc so I basically followed the rule of having low fat/high carbs on training days and no carbs/high fat on rest days (unless alcohol was consumed in which case I just ate lean bits of chicken and carbs).

Anyway, made terrific gains and looking great however I'm now off to India for 2 months. I'm terrified of the low protein problem and I really don't want to come back to the gym in August and be incredibly weak again. Has anyone got any tips for maintaining/minimising muscle loss whilst travelling? I'm thinking of doing 3 full-body workouts a week as before although I won't have a gym. I'll maintain the LG IF principles where I can. Thinking of pistol squats, press ups, pull ups with whatever I can find etc.

Any ideas?
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Following advice on here for some months now I've been following the Lean Gains IF Diet with 3 sessions a week training. The results have been pretty incredible, maintained a feeding window most days 1-9pm. I got fed up of calorie counting etc so I basically followed the rule of having low fat/high carbs on training days and no carbs/high fat on rest days (unless alcohol was consumed in which case I just ate lean bits of chicken and carbs).

Anyway, made terrific gains and looking great however I'm now off to India for 2 months. I'm terrified of the low protein problem and I really don't want to come back to the gym in August and be incredibly weak again. Has anyone got any tips for maintaining/minimising muscle loss whilst travelling? I'm thinking of doing 3 full-body workouts a week as before although I won't have a gym. I'll maintain the LG IF principles where I can. Thinking of pistol squats, press ups, pull ups with whatever I can find etc.

Any ideas?

Hi guys,
I am looking for a bit of advice, I have posted here before and got some help but I never really acted on it but I have changed now and below is my most recent diet and exercise log.
Here is a link to my most recent plan,

It still needs plenty of work and as you can see I am not yet at a gym so just relying on my own dumbbells.
Any suggestions on what to change?

Fingers crossed I should be able to sign up to the local gym sometime this coming week as well. Here is the plan I am looking to follow, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-JwCzQdkN4zx6dRRHsczC32vKve4NX3x_gbmM7C34Yo/edit?usp=sharing

Any suggestions on anything I should change in there?
Thanks guys :)
1. Work out the calories you need http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18299646
2. Work out the calories of your diet. myfitnesspal/dailyburn/various apps. Just listing food is pointless, your breakfasts of cereal and milk could be anything from the 150 cals the packet will say is a serving to the 500 cals my bowls of oats normally are. Also you're eating mondays for breakfast on monday ;)
3. Get in a gym asap and lift something strenuous. 10kg dumbells wont get you very far.
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Thanks for that advice, I do use MyFitnessPal and I am on around 2000 calories a day. I will check it against the method in that thread and see if that is what I need or not.

I know it isn't fantastic but I have gone from doing nothing with weights so I wanted to start out relatively low. I do know that I now need to get onto bigger weights etc now though :)

EDIT: Just done the Katch-McArdle method to get my BMR then I chose 1.4 as my multiplier which gives me 2259.88.
As I said I average around 2000 calories normally so that should be about right considering I want to lose weight?

How does my gym plan look? the second document I linked.
Anything there you would change?
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Sounds about right then. So long as your bf% wasnt too far out.

Routine looks alright. Not a huge fan of doing chest and shoulders on the same so you could switch that around for legs and shoulders or something. Not sure what's best really :p

Ditch smith machine bench press and do it with a barbell. Flat bench is fine if there isnt an incline barbell one.
15kg iirc.

Don't see any reason to use one though, unless its for curls or similar then well it doesn't really matter much........
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