*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

Unfriend them, tbh.

This tbh, a friend of the gf is also doing that retardedness, and 1 week in is already posting pictures like look I used to be fat and look how well I am doing, no you are still fat and all you've been doing for a week is wobbling about.... :mad:
I haven't gained that in the last 2 years :\

Grrr post didn't post, try again.

For benching a stable base is crucial, and what better stable base then a strong back.

Rows are awesome here, db rows, bent over rows, pull ups are all great.
Don't neglect your triceps either, CGBP is a really good exercise.

Chest gains are the hardest to have and you just need to be hitting it with crazy volume if you want to add mass.
Ahhh yes, insanity.

The guy who sits opposite me at work (27 stone...) is doing this, apparently.

All he does it talk about it. Yet hasn't lost a single ounce. Funny that.
Heh...Colleague at work has just brought the insanity dvd's, I keep getting asked why I haven't done it :(

Oh, look. It's a fitness programme designed by what is essentially a marketing company. :o :cool:

Just like P90X or whatever. They work for given certain criteria, in much the same way as... any other workout/diet regime works given certain criteria.
Yep. He's managed to get it all for £35 or something, so he can always just take the program and send it back the carry on :p
Urgh I see the Insanity infomercials when I'm nights at work after regular programming ends - they must be making a fortune as it's on about 20 channels simultaneously. BRB jumping around and getting ripped.
Loads of our guys subscribe to the "INSANITY" workout. It's particularly popular in the Navy too as they do it in the confined spaces of a ship. Not only is it not really good cardio, you look like a complete ****. It's in the crossfit category for 'tardness.
My friend tried that for a month, he said it had him sweating pools of sweat on his floor but he didn't gain any muscle at all and he wasn't fat and he's got a good diet.

Just got back from leg day at gym, so hot I nearly passed out. My friend (same guy) was squatting 180kg but he doesn't go low enough. So someone else spotted him and made him go real low and he lost the weight lol, good try though.
Bros, ive done Insanity and cant praise it enough, honestly it is fantastic cardio workout, its not a muscle building program at all and they really shouldn't promote it as one. I lost 19 or 20kg doing those DVD, but at the end of the day all it is, is HIIT training. You could make your own program, but for me I liked to be able to follow its structure.

People shouldn't say its rubbish, because honestly it is very good, but like most things it depends what your goals are. If you want to loose weight and get generally fitter i couldn't recommend it enough, but if your looking at it as a way to build some muscle, you will be very disappointed with its results
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