Then tell him, very seriously, to enter a powerlifting comp. He will look very silly.LOL he said the guy who spotted was just jealous so he made him go too lowHe's one of these people who always go on about how much weight they can lift.
Then tell him, very seriously, to enter a powerlifting comp. He will look very silly.LOL he said the guy who spotted was just jealous so he made him go too lowHe's one of these people who always go on about how much weight they can lift.
Bros, ive done Insanity and cant praise it enough, honestly it is fantastic cardio workout, its not a muscle building program at all and they really shouldn't promote it as one. I lost 19 or 20kg doing those DVD, but at the end of the day all it is, is HIIT training. You could make your own program, but for me I liked to be able to follow its structure.
People shouldn't say its rubbish, because honestly it is very good, but like most things it depends what your goals are. If you want to loose weight and get generally fitter i couldn't recommend it enough, but if your looking at it as a way to build some muscle, you will be very disappointed with its results
I couldn't stop laughing when I read that his spotter made him go low out of jealousy
Then tell him, very seriously, to enter a powerlifting comp. He will look very silly.
Nate are you saying your mate is the one that brags about what he can lift all the time, or the spotter?
I am reading it that your mate thinks the spotter is in the wrong, and its because the spotter is jealous of your mate that he made him go to low and bail on his squat on purpose, even though the spotter goes around telling people he can lift a lot.
Haha I might just do that if he gets any bigger for his boots, he is strong he can lift 140kg 10 reps but he goes just above parallel.
That isn't that strong broHaha I might just do that if he gets any bigger for his boots, he is strong he can lift 140kg 10 reps but he goes just above parallel.
So your squatting 140kg for 10 reps? What are your maxes like?
So your squatting 140kg for 10 reps? What are your maxes like?
Was that Nate squatting or UE? It's tough to tell sometimes.