Man of Honour
Ouch. Lesson learnt I guess. Get well soon.
DNP is not one to touch imo, along with insulin. Dont mess with drugs that can kill you outright, it isnt worth it, besides what will you really get from DNP that you wont get from a decent ECA stack with a side order of Clen? Its not a magic drug. Amazes me to think that the same people who would dismiss the idea of say, a course of tren coupled with some masteron and an ECA or clen based stack, which would have you ripped up in 2 months flat with a good diet. Would then go take something like DNP.
Glad no one died.
Post workout.
30g protein as whey mix with milk or water?
Eat a banana with it. you're meant to be losing weight. Do you need the banana?
Is that sufficent as a post workout shake?
Would I benefit from taking creatine? Do you find your training is suffering e cause you just can't et that last rep out? Creatine does have some amusing effects, but it's not a silver bullet for anything. So no, I doubt you would benefit from it... You'd just hold water for no reason.
I hear a lot of stuff about BCAA's, again, is it worth buying some, or is it just a waste of £££? I would say a waste unless you're training without having eaten for 8 hours beforehand.
How do you guys eat it? Milk or water? You mean porridge? For you, with water.
T-bar rows, do they work the same portion of the back as say the row machine.
This kind of movement...
What is wrong with the dumbbell rows you should be doing? If you have enough left in the tank after Dumbell rows, you're not lfting enough and probably not doing them properly.
Lift heavy, watch your diet and sleep well, and I assure you that the weight will drop off and your muscles will come out to play.
Whilst the back was unlucky, good work with the shorts! Nothing boosts the test like knowing your glutes have beaten your shorts into submission!
Get well soon, however!
Whilst I agree with this in principle, I feel the need to point out that programs similar to SL 5x5 recommend you start off really quite light, so he might not be pushing quite as hard as he 'should' be.
Whilst the back was unlucky, good work with the shorts! Nothing boosts the test like knowing your glutes have beaten your shorts into submission!
Get well soon, however!
Dear Rats,
The last 6 months have been bad. Without going into details - I've lost most of the things I cared about in such a short period of time. Training was my source of outlet. Unfortunately I can no longer turn to that since my surgery. Although I've returned to training 4 * a week I can only lift between 5%-50% of what I could.
The year I put into a second transformation has been mostly undone. I constantly feel low in energy and losing the will to stick it out.
Despite all the challenges I'm a half glass full guy and happy go lucky but I'm not quite sure where to go from here. I fully understand that the real challenge is in stand back up but I can't.
What's a bro to do?
Not a great start to 2013 for me. Got to the gym today for the first time in 3 weeks. Legs session. Thought I'd warmed up properly, but popped my back on my second working set of squats @ 100kg. Angry isn't even the word, I'd taken the weight down but clearly not enough. Also split my shorts, so at least I was hitting my depth!
Won't be able to get to the gym again for a week, we'll see how I'm feeling then. Will probably just do some low weight, high rep stuff if I've recovered.