Yeah... this seems to be popping up everywhere, now.
I have started a revolution!! you can be damned sure it has a stable base
Yeah... this seems to be popping up everywhere, now.
If you've done a shed load of other exercises prior to BOR's? more so fatigue than lack of strength.
For example I do 3 sets of rest-paused chins or pull ups to failure/just short of failure, followed by a 60-90 second +20KG static hang. Then I deadlift. Grip pls respond. Straps usually come out midway through my working set.
So you deliberately destroy your grip before deadlifting? Wut?
He's doing Dog Crap if it's of any significance to the routine.
That's a bit of an over simplification. The lats should be heavily involved in deadlifts, and your output will suffer if you fatigue them with a prior exercise. If you care about training your deadlift specifically, this is a significant problem.
That's a bit of an over simplification. The lats should be heavily involved in deadlifts, and your output will suffer if you fatigue them with a prior exercise. If you care about training your deadlift specifically, this is a significant problem.
I still don't really get what a decent amount of deadlifts is if that is the focus of your session and you're on a bulking diet.
Tuesday... I did 5X5 and I was fubar'd after that. Then did some wide grip pull ups, DB Rows, leg press and called it a day.
I've seen some people literally do 2 sets and some people do more like 10.
those that manage 10 lift too little!
Then I may have misunderstood your pointI haven't disagreed with any of that
Yeah... no thanks Jeff.A lot of Icecold's and many other's sets are a combination of 'ramping' or 'feeler sets', after an initial warm up of course.
I can't recall Icecold banging out double digit sets at his working weight, I may be wrong though!
A lot of Icecold's and many other's sets are a combination of 'ramping' or 'feeler sets', after an initial warm up of course.
I can't recall Icecold banging out double digit sets at his working weight, I may be wrong though!
Then I may have misunderstood your point
I'm just saying that you shouldn't do anything that fatigues your deadlifting muscles if your main focus is training your deadlift.
tfw doing 10+ reps on deads...