More than likely, I just don't like mixed grip, but for one attempt I may be able to get away with it
Mixed and chalk should get you there no problem.
Double overhand @200kg isn't a problem either
Double overhand @200kg isn't a problem either
Mixed and chalk should get you there no problem.
I think you just spilled this guy's pint...
Alright pipe down you vice gripped bear you
Have you seen my fingers? They're like twiglets with joints.
Rock climbing. Seriously, my grip strength became so good as a result.
Indeed, and absolutely!
How tall are you for a 61kg person, if you don't mind me asking?
Crikey - you are the size of my leg!
No way I could do nearly twice BW on bench! Srs strength - shame it's a gash lift.
My strength isnt too bad , i lift on par with my gym buddies who are 30+KG heavier than me.
Iso lat pull down = 130KG
45 degree leg press = 210kg
Squat = 100kg
Bench = 90kg
dumbell press = 38kg (each arm) is a PB but currently on 36KG for better form
Shoulder Press = 24kg (poor really im rubbish with my delts/shoulders)
Deadlifts = 90kg
dumbell Bicep curl =20kg(each arm) but 22kg is my PB
just to name a few key lifts.
I really struggle with delts, any good excercies except face pulls and rear delt row?
You, sir, have broze for gym buddies: my mind is blown by the fact you can bench more than you can deadlift, and that your dumbell press is 38kg a shoulder but your strict shoulder press is 24kg.
My strength isnt too bad , i lift on par with my gym buddies who are 30+KG heavier than me.
Iso lat pull down = 130KG
45 degree leg press = 210kg
Squat = 100kg
Bench = 90kg
dumbell press = 38kg (each arm) is a PB but currently on 36KG for better form
Shoulder Press = 24kg (poor really im rubbish with my delts/shoulders)
Deadlifts = 90kg
dumbell Bicep curl =20kg(each arm) but 22kg is my PB
just to name a few key lifts.
I really struggle with delts, any good excercies except face pulls and rear delt row?
Yeah, i squat twice a week and deadlift once a week currentlyThat bench, you really should start squatting and deading more. Could end up with some incredible ratios!
And stop doing iso pull downs and start doing some chins/pull ups!