*** The 2014 Gym Rats Thread ***

8 pack teaching you well?

To be fair, I should be taking more tips off him. I did train with him when we were in Germany once, that was good. I do speak to him more now and again, I changed from Back/Bicep - Chest/Tricep to opposites since talking to him.

More my diet which I need to sort, always the downfall. Today has been

Protein shake
Bowl of porridge
2 cans of beans
Sweet mash
afternoon porridge

later will be
2x chicken breasts + veg
protein shake

I don't really do measurements since I have nothing to do it with.
No bro, you said what you said, don't backtrack. Phaggot


I pull the bar up quickly until my lower back comes in to it and then it's a grind to lock out, whereas I see most people slow off the start of the pull and then when their lower back activates, they snap up straight.

So you deadlift poorly?

Certainly so, mine are about 34" mid thigh.

Pictures of these beasts please :) /nohomo.

So you deadlift poorly?

In a word, yes, not poor form though, I just seem to be extremely lacking in proportional strength in my lower back, and it can start to ache/cramp from standing. If you think of it along the same lines as a bench press would be with a very strong chest but proportionally weak triceps. It would fly up from your chest but be a grind to lock out, rather than bad form.

pictures of these beasts please :) /nohomo.

Haha, proportionally they're not that muscular, at least compared to the size of my knee joint for example, I just have a very big frame, I haven't actually done much for them to be the size they are.
So...today was my first session. Thanks to all the help in this thread to get me started :) I've created a log in the training log forums so I can keep track.

Was seriously daunting, I did a bit of jogging on the treadmill while I tried to build up the courage to enter the weights area.

It soon went quiet and I made my way over.

Felt a little stupid using just the Olympic bar and adding weights until I felt comfortable.

Anyway, my first log (don't laugh I've never even touched a bar before)

Squat 40kg - 5 5 5 5 5

Took me a while to get this weight right...
Bench 30kg - 5
Bench 35kg - 5
Bench 40kg - 5
Bench 45kg - 5 5

Barbell row 45kg 5 5 5 5 5

Felt good, not sure on technique but will be visiting a friend in Manchester who has offered take me the gym and check I'm doing everything correctly.
I certainly do have some flexibility problems when squatting, they don't get in the way of depth as I go as far as is possible, I do however sometimes end up with one of my shoulders hurting because of my width, I sometimes have to hold my arms quite narrow to be able to rack and unrack the bar without trapping my fingers.
Fair enough, I still want to see a video though, if only because I'm a perv <3

If your shoulders hurt from squatting, then it's very likely that you have tight pecs. There's plenty of material in the mobility thread to help you deal with this.
My lower back is also crap, like with dead lifts, I'm the opposite of most deads I see, I pull the bar up quickly until my lower back comes in to it and then it's a grind to lock out, whereas I see most people slow off the start of the pull and then when their lower back activates, they snap up straight.
You've described perfectly what happens for someone who lifts with a non-flat lower back. You're fast off the floor because rounding your back makes the bottom of the lift the strongest position, but you pay the price when it comes to lock out.

Your lower back muscles should be stabilising your trunk along with the rest of the muscles in your core, they should not be prime movers. Well, I guess that is slightly subjective, but the injury risk is significantly higher with a rounded lower back.
The parallol was in reference to the above, however I do think the term "parallel" itself does have connotations of the above situation where the femur is 90 degrees to the tibia.

I'm not critical of proper squatting, it's just I very rarely see it due to looking at the wrong feds as it seems.
This is a bit of a problem with "powerlifting" as a whole.

The powerlifting the counts is done in the IPF (International Powerlifting Federation - the international body) and it's national affiliates. In the here we have the GBPF, and in America it's the USAPL. This includes both equipped and classic lifting, although IMO classic is way cooler.

The irony is that most of the other terrible federations actually have the same rules about squat depth, but they just employ some very creative interpretation. White lights seem to be influenced by the celebrity of the lifter, and the weight on the bar. You are famously not allowed to film from the side in a lot of these federations, and they proclaim that "you can't judge depth from the front". Sooo...

haha not a bad effort. Bad perspective on this.
This is you at 75kg and 6 foot?

Do you have mass anywhere but your arms? ;)
His screaming does my head in lol
To be fair, he's just won gold in the squat :cool:
That's not bad for a first time at all! Keep going at it, and nothing wrong with using the bar to begin with. I never start benching without a couple of sets with just the bar.

And crossfit, it never ceases to amaze me. Also why are they fund raising for this Kevin Ogar guy? Is he massively poor or something? Surely is nothing that can be fixed with money, yes I'm aware they don't have an NHS service in Merica but surely he has some sort of health insurance?
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Thanks, been looking through other people's logs and it makes my weights look like nothing...

I spoke to my mate after tonight and he said the same about his warm up. I can tell I'm going to get a little addicted to this!
And crossfit, it never ceases to amaze me. Also why are they fund raising for this Kevin Ogar guy? Is he massively poor or something? Surely is nothing that can be fixed with money, yes I'm aware they don't have an NHS service in Merica but surely he has some sort of health insurance?

He didn't have insurance and even then only some of the top end insurance packages would cover an accident like that, I've never understood the snatch (lol), chucking hundreds of lbs above your head quickly isn't going to be safe ever.
Thanks, been looking through other people's logs and it makes my weights look like nothing...

I spoke to my mate after tonight and he said the same about his warm up. I can tell I'm going to get a little addicted to this!

45kg for 5 at the moment?

You'll easily add 5-10kgs a month (easily), if you think about it and keep to a decent steady but progressive improvment then you'll easily be at 80+ by the end of the year. As of course, the heavier you lift the less easy it is to add more weight on.
He didn't have insurance and even then only some of the top end insurance packages would cover an accident like that, I've never understood the snatch (lol), chucking hundreds of lbs above your head quickly isn't going to be safe ever.

Then you have never done one properly. ;)

And it is not particularly dangerous AS LONG AS it is taught and performed properly: reps for time is not properly.

Which goes to the heart of my problem with Crossfit. :(
Yeah, that picture doesn't do anything for it though.

To be honest, however, being around 6ft (181cm) myself and existing - in a previous life - at around 78kg and thinking I was big, I now know I was not. Not by a very, very, very long shot. And my arms weren't (and still aren't) as big as yours now.

It's nothing to be concerned about, however: you've made the decision to get huge, so let's do it. :)
45kg for 5 at the moment?

You'll easily add 5-10kgs a month (easily), if you think about it and keep to a decent steady but progressive improvment then you'll easily be at 80+ by the end of the year. As of course, the heavier you lift the less easy it is to add more weight on.

Sweet! Managed to lose 5lbs since Sunday too but I've read that this is a beginners thing only where you are able to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. Will stop my calorie deficit when I reach around 10st 10lb as that always used to be a weight I was happy with.

This brings me onto the awkward issue off adding photos to my log. Tensed? relaxed? (not that there is much difference at the moment :o)
To be honest, however, being around 6ft (181cm) myself and existing - in a previous life - at around 78kg and thinking I was big, I now know I was not. Not by a very, very, very long shot. And my arms weren't (and still aren't) as big as yours now.

It's nothing to be concerned about, however: you've made the decision to get huge, so let's do it. :)

I agree, I know i'm not "big" of course, but I have to try and give myself some motivation to continue since I have been training for quite a few years, and it is working. I have that bad chest type, which is quite hard to build muscle mass on. I find it very very hard to gain any weight, I just burn food off right off. I work hard, and very enthusiastic along with loving it :D
It's good to see you posting, and it's good to see you accept where you are - I know some people who think 75kg @ 6' is "big"! :) Even at 91kg-ish and 1/2" taller I don't feel big :(

As for struggling to put on weight - you just need to eat more. Unless you have some metabolism syndrome or some hormonal issues, it's just a case that if you are very active, you just need to eat more to counter act that activity. It's very surprising how little calories one eats if one measures them strictly and honestly.

Good luck with it!
It's good to see you posting, and it's good to see you accept where you are - I know some people who think 75kg @ 6' is "big"! :) Even at 91kg-ish and 1/2" taller I don't feel big :(

As for struggling to put on weight - you just need to eat more. Unless you have some metabolism syndrome or some hormonal issues, it's just a case that if you are very active, you just need to eat more to counter act that activity. It's very surprising how little calories one eats if one measures them strictly and honestly.

Good luck with it!

Thanks Freefaller, I agree that I need to eat more - which starting 4 days ago I have been doing. It's been going very well also, so hopefully I can keep it up. I'm proud of the aesthetics side just need to add more bulk.
I've finally decided to buy lifting straps, my forearms give in way before the muscle i'm training and something needed to be done. Just got some cheapo ones from the jungle.
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I am a beginner too Mr Tommo, only been doing 4 months, i only just started doing squats/benchpresses as i wasn't focused on compound exercises to begin with.I practice with bar still on benchpress/squats to warm up and get my form correctly which is getting better.(olympic bar weighs 20kg usually)

I workout 4 days a week now consisting of Triceps/Chest, Biceps/Back, Shoulders/Legs and Str Cardio day with HIIT.(i also do 15-20mins HIIT after every weight workout)

I am doing 3 sets of 8 reps each for everything which i feel comfortable with though may try 5x5.

Problem is even though i've lost a good amount of fat since starting, my muscle gained seems to be slower than i thought is this because of doing HIIT on same days as weight workouts? I am thinking of just doing 30min HIIT with my Str cardio day only and then focus on weights on the other 3 days like above.

Also should i add benchpress to my Triceps/Chest workout? Squats to my Shoulders/Legs?

I am 6 foot 2, 19% bodyfat and 88kg at the moment but some areas such as my arms taking longer to develop even though i am lifting consistantly and fair amount for my strength.Good thing is though my lifting has gone up a fair bit on all exercises since starting.

I am also eating 4 meals a day with about 100g-150g protein a day from food and take 2 protein shakes a day too with that.
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