*** The 2014 Gym Rats Thread ***

The issue is that eating for one's athletic performance is very simple if there are no restrictions (dairy, meat, eggs, etc.). Most of these are great sources of dietary fat, protein and micronutrients that support one's performance.

As soon as these 'easy' dietary sources get removed, a person has to think a bit harder about what they're eating. Fruit and veg are great, but protein and gat is harder to come by. Nuts are a good source, sure, and so are beans (lots of starchy sugar is their downside), but things like creatine, certain classes of micronutrients (vitamins, trace elements, etc.) are harder to come by in the vegan world. The second type of problem is that protein sources from unrefined vegan food are not quite as readily useable by the body as animal protein.

It doesn't mean a vegan diet is difficult by any stretch of the imagination, but it is just not as easy to access everything an athlete would need to perform at their highest level.

This is then complicated by the more bellicose elements of the vegan community who will scream that enough protein can be had from cucumbers or whatever, and other BS that leads to very bad dietary decisions, generating stylised perceptions of vegans.

thats what i meant to say! :D
Bit of a daft question as I'm replacing it anyway, but what amount of weight would you put on a 2 piece 6ft bar?(not sure on brand) (aslo, joining a gym soon before anyone says that)
Bit of a daft question as I'm replacing it anyway, but what amount of weight would you put on a 2 piece 6ft bar?(not sure on brand) (aslo, joining a gym soon before anyone says that)

Something between nothing and eleventybillion.

But seriously the only way you'll know is to weigh it those bars don't have standard weights like oly bars.
Right just been to check, it's actually 5ft and it weighs 7kg. a York one (single piece) online says it's rated to 125kg so I'm guessing I'm safe for a while longer.
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online says it's rated to 125kg so I'm guessing I'm safe for a while longer.

I just read a post saying their 2-piece riveted 8kg barbell snapped in half during a 250lb squat.

I wouldn't be going anywhere near 125kg on one of those!
Coming from more of a powerlifting aspect of things, has anyone tried the 5/3/1 (3/5/1) Powerlifting compared to the standard 5/3/1? I've done some reading and I understand about swapping the weeks around and adding in singles rather than AMRAP but I was curious to peoples opinions on it as so far I've read many mixed reviews, yet nothing bad or x > y. I'm not thinking of taking this up anytime soon but I like reading about programs so I have some idea of what is a possibility in the future.
Got a really annoying pain and tenderness in my little finger on my right hand, which has been on going for about 2 weeks.

The first joint near the tip of the little finger, hurts when I grip things and especially when I push the finger down on a flat surface.

Fortunately it doesn’t hinder my workouts and I can work through it, but it still has me worried.

On a scale of 1-10 pain wise it's more of a 2-3, but it's not something I want to get worse....

Really annoying, just when I’m starting to make some progress as well. Can't afford to take time off, just because of my little finger!
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Coming from more of a powerlifting aspect of things, has anyone tried the 5/3/1 (3/5/1) Powerlifting compared to the standard 5/3/1? I've done some reading and I understand about swapping the weeks around and adding in singles rather than AMRAP but I was curious to peoples opinions on it as so far I've read many mixed reviews, yet nothing bad or x > y. I'm not thinking of taking this up anytime soon but I like reading about programs so I have some idea of what is a possibility in the future.

I've not personally tried it but why not try one cycle of the original, then try the modified one after. See what works for you? Be sure to report back.
Got a really annoying pain and tenderness in my little finger on my right hand, which has been on going for about 2 weeks.

The first joint near the tip of the little finger, hurts when I grip things and especially when I push the finger down on a flat surface.

Fortunately it doesn’t hinder my workouts and I can work through it, but it still has me worried.

On a scale of 1-10 pain wise it's more of a 2-3, but it's not something I want to get worse....

Really annoying, just when I’m starting to make some progress as well. Can't afford to take time off, just because of my little finger!

Go to the doccy wocks. Say it's hampering every day life and hasn't improved in three weeks. Then get an x-ray and other things :p
Hey guys, just a quick one.

basically i want to get fit and have some muscle.

Right now im okay fitness wise, i run between 3 - 5 miles every second day.

My diet however isn't so great, i have a really high metabolism so im constantly eating, im currently 10 stone 6.

I also want to get buff basically, i have never really done weight training, i have no idea were to start, i've read the guides listed at the start but thought i'd drop a message anyway, i kinda need help coming up with a good diet plan, and any advice would be greatly appreciated, im not fat but my stomach is a bit bigger than usual as my legs and arms are fairly skinny, im pretty sure begbie who posts here lives near me, if you see this what gym to you go to?

All in all i need to get myself in the right mindset, and dietery routine, i eat a lot of fish right now but still eat a load of fatty foods at the same time.

Go to the doccy wocks. Say it's hampering every day life and hasn't improved in three weeks. Then get an x-ray and other things :p

It could be anything. :)

Rest it for a week and see what happens. If nothing, rest it for another week and take your NSAIDs. Once you've done that, go to the doctor.

OR just got to the doctor.

Practically, think about how your little finger operates: nothing connects to it beyond the forearm, other than nerves, veins and arteries.

So whatever it is will probably be very localised and won't stop you squatting. ;)
I've not personally tried it but why not try one cycle of the original, then try the modified one after. See what works for you? Be sure to report back.

Sounds like a good idea, I'm a fair way off trying 5/3/1 just yet as I'm planning on trying Madcow soon but it's always nice to have an idea of what to have planned for the future in terms of training and also other people's opinions on the matter.
Hey guys, its been three weeks since I completed my first cycle for SL 5X5, so I thought I'd post some stats and ask for advice on what to do next.

Age: 23
Height: 5 ft 6
Weight (start): 63kg
Pic: http://imgur.com/LxMVoAo,vBopUoe#0

Beginning lifts (all including oly bar)
Squats: Bar
Deadlifts: 40kg
Bench: Bar
OHP: Bar
BOR: Bar

Final weight: 71kg
Body fat:? but got a some slight chubbyness around the abdomen
Pic: http://imgur.com/vBopUoe

107.5kg 5x5
Deadlifts: 150kg 1x5
Bench: 60kg 3x5 :(
OHP: 42.5kg 3x5 (this and bench were my two weakest and gave me most difficulty in terms of stalling etc)
BOR: 70kg 5x5

So, I'm thinking of progressing onto Wendler's 531 program... I'm at uni in Leicester and there are 2 decent commercial gyms bar the uni one, and its getting difficult in doing squats, then another 2 barbell exercises without loitering around for a long time at the gym. I was going quite late at around 11pm, but its not a good look when I need to be on the wards at half 8 the next morning.

I'm also knackered after I do squats on the next lifts and I'm probably on a calorific deficit (eat pretty decent I think, but unfortunately due to circumstances cannot afford to eat much more). I was thinking that with 531 on a 3 day split, I can go in, do one main lift and do some accessory work, and on the days where I feel like crap can just do my prescribe lifts and hit the shower. Thoughts/opinions appreciated.
Go to the doccy wocks. Say it's hampering every day life and hasn't improved in three weeks. Then get an x-ray and other things :p

I was absolutly fine today with my chest work didnt feel the little finger at all etc... but as soon as I started SLDL'ing... finger pain appears.

It will probably be slightly tender tomorrow on back and bicep day.

I'm thinking Im gona work through it and see if it heals up. All a doc is gona do is send me to a hospital for an xray...

It's not THAT bad, becuase obviously I an workout on it, but it's still something that bothers me.
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