*** The 2014 Gym Rats Thread ***

In again and hoping for a lot better stuff than last year! (early injury, lost motivation, resumed crappy lifestyle)

Log to go up shortly (this weekend) followed by starting properly on Monday so I can clear the house of all the rubbish food....
When my knee joint is close to the 90 degree mark, so i end up having to do shallow squats instead of nice deep squats. But even after a shallow squat session my knee will hurt for days after to the point where i can barely walk.

Will try some of those ab exercises though, aslong as no kit is needed i'll be fine.

One thing you can do to help alleviate your post workout inflammation, is take a strong does of ibuprofen (400mg) prior to workout.

It wont be as good as avoiding the exercise that is causing you an issue but it will help with post workout pain and inflammation.


Have you actually been diagnosed, or are you just speculating regarding arthritis? The reason why it hurts at 90% is because this is the point at which you have bone to bone contact due to wear of cartilage. Different people will have it at different degrees.
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Kicked the year off with a 97.5kg PB for 5 reps on the Bench Press :D

I'm off alcohol for the Dryathlon so going to lean out this month and follow an abbreviated RPT based training programme. I was 74kg in September, 81kg now but significantly stronger, hoping to bridge the gap by Feb.

Disregard crunches, acquire good core exercises. Pallof press, lying leg raises, hanging leg raises, dragon flag (rip), L-sits, roll outs etc.

I absolutely love doing Pallof presses, I've noticed quite a big improvement in core strength since incorporating them. I usually also do jacknives with a 10kg medicine ball, any thoughts on those? I'm not sure if they're 'good for me' but they seem to absolutely nail my core, 3 sets of those and I'm crying on the mats like a baby.
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