*** The 2015 Gym Rats Thread ***

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4 weeks in and I've managed to hit body weight on a lift for the first time. Hit 80Kg deadlift for 5 reps at 73kg BW. Quite chuffed :)

EDIT: Who is this Tom fellow that keeps getting posted? Is he fitness celeb?
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4 weeks in and I've managed to hit body weight on a lift for the first time. Hit 80Kg deadlift for 5 reps at 73kg BW. Quite chuffed :)

EDIT: Who is this Tom fellow that keeps getting posted? Is he fitness celeb?

Nice lifting! :)

Tom Martin is a power lifter who happens to be pretty good. I think he holds the world record for the 83kg category as well as the Junior one for deadlifting. He is also pretty good at bench and squat but, hey... :)
Anyone ever had a pinched nerve in their neck/shoulder area? Pain is running underneath my arm and all the way down to my wrist and it's getting me down. On nights this week so going to doc tomorrow afternoon, hopefully I can get it sorted. :(
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Lol, thanks guys. Considering I was having a tough time just moving the bar about a few weeks ago it was nice to finally get some of the big 25kg weights on! I'll take any noob gains I can right now and track down that 2xBW post to reply to in a few months :D
Anyone ever had a pinched nerve in their neck/shoulder area? Pain is running underneath my arm and all the way down to my wrist and it's getting me down. On nights this week so going to doc tomorrow afternoon, hopefully I can get it sorted. :(

Relatively frequently until I started lifting...

What you really want to know is why this is happening: it could be a weak back causing your traps to spasm... Go see a sports physio! :)
Relatively frequently until I started lifting...

What you really want to know is why this is happening: it could be a weak back causing your traps to spasm... Go see a sports physio! :)

I was on the smith machine at the weekend and one of the locking hooks was loose so it wouldn't engage. I was training on my own so had to keep hold of bar with one hand and push the hook over with the other. I thought I'd got away with it until this injury. Sports physio is a good idea though as I can claim some of the cost back through work. :)
I was on the smith machine at the weekend and one of the locking hooks was loose so it wouldn't engage. I was training on my own so had to keep hold of bar with one hand and push the hook over with the other. I thought I'd got away with it until this injury. Sports physio is a good idea though as I can claim some of the cost back through work. :)

First question...

What were you doing using a smith machine? If you had been using a proper piece of exercise equipment, you wouldn't have had to deal with "hooks that didn't engage." :D

Second question...

Why were you training with something so light you could hold it in one hand instead of really needing two?;)
First question...

What were you doing using a smith machine? If you had been using a proper piece of exercise equipment, you wouldn't have had to deal with "hooks that didn't engage." :D

Second question...

Why were you training with something so light you could hold it in one hand instead of really needing two?;)

I‘ve been lifting since the age of 14 but I‘m 54 now so I try to keep safe, especially as I often train alone. As for question 2 I was on my 25th set so I was cooling down. :p
I‘ve been lifting since the age of 14 but I‘m 54 now so I try to keep safe, especially as I often train alone. As for question 2 I was on my 25th set so I was cooling down. :p

With that much experience, surely you would know better...? ;)

Their danger has been validated repeatedly, and crystallised in this video:

I guess using the smith machine for cardio makes sense...

4 weeks in and I've managed to hit body weight on a lift for the first time. Hit 80Kg deadlift for 5 reps at 73kg BW. Quite chuffed :)

EDIT: Who is this Tom fellow that keeps getting posted? Is he fitness celeb?

Noice, get your lifts up in the totals league thread :)
Anyone ever corrected a shoulder impingement themselves? Recently I started having pain the front of my left shoulder when I move it in a certain direction, and I immediately suspected impingement, so I watched some videos and did some checks and I believe that's what it is.

I've been doing face pulls/band pull aparts/reverse flies for ages, and I bench with an arch in my back to protect my shoulders, so it's quite annoying that I got this even after doing this kind of "prehab". I think I will add in some internal/external shoulder rotations again.
Well this is probably the last place I expected anyone to share my vids :) SkodaMart pointed the thread out to me last night in the gym, I had no idea this place even had a lifting section! Cheers guys!
Well this is probably the last place I expected anyone to share my vids :) SkodaMart pointed the thread out to me last night in the gym, I had no idea this place even had a lifting section! Cheers guys!

Are you Dom from Brosciencelife? Because TomMartin is a bit too obvious... ;)
Anyone ever corrected a shoulder impingement themselves? Recently I started having pain the front of my left shoulder when I move it in a certain direction, and I immediately suspected impingement, so I watched some videos and did some checks and I believe that's what it is.

I've been doing face pulls/band pull aparts/reverse flies for ages, and I bench with an arch in my back to protect my shoulders, so it's quite annoying that I got this even after doing this kind of "prehab". I think I will add in some internal/external shoulder rotations again.

Yes and no. A mixture of specific mobility work and physiotherapy. Owing to my dislocation I have an inherent weakness and thus a lot of compensation when doing pressing movements, but also to a certain extent rowing movements as if I don't concentrate I loosen the scap and rely on my traps to row.

The scar tissue is slowly going, and the ROM is getting better, but it hurts, and there is a physical limitation that won't be removed without surgery. That's just down to injury though - in your case if you've caught it early enough you should be able to bring it back to health.

Well this is probably the last place I expected anyone to share my vids :) SkodaMart pointed the thread out to me last night in the gym, I had no idea this place even had a lifting section! Cheers guys!

Hey Tom, you've got quite a following among the lifters here (I'm one of them). I'd ask you to join the powerlifting league - but you'd go straight to the top, even with the wilks scoring! :D

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