Anyone ever corrected a shoulder impingement themselves? Recently I started having pain the front of my left shoulder when I move it in a certain direction, and I immediately suspected impingement, so I watched some videos and did some checks and I believe that's what it is.
I've been doing face pulls/band pull aparts/reverse flies for ages, and I bench with an arch in my back to protect my shoulders, so it's quite annoying that I got this even after doing this kind of "prehab". I think I will add in some internal/external shoulder rotations again.
A more recent direction in physiotherapy is that shoulder impingement isn't really a condition, but a symptom of tendinopathy or other injuries.
As such, the real question could be what your shoulder needs to rehab your rotator cuff and other shoulder bits.
Having just recovered from a relatively unpleasant shoulder injury (not very as nothing exploded but bad enough to force me into no upper body work for six months), a combination of rest, light eccentric strengthening work, mobility and anti-inflammatories normally work. Shoulder issues take a while to heal for a number of reasons:
- blood supply isn't great;
- joint is not very stable;
- it doesn't get much rest;
- most people have atrocious dysfunction meaning they are undoing years of imbalance.
So if you have pain you should find a good physio to help.