*** The 2015 Gym Rats Thread ***

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17 Dec 2003
Thanks guys :)

Ok, so as per my 1st post, I am 34, 6' and now weighing 15 stone. I have a desk job but it is shift based, nights, weekends, which messes up the metabolism, etc..
2 years ago I weighed 12 stone dead, then I gave up smoking and eating at my desk became the norm instead of going out for a cig.

I have worked out my BMR as 1964.894 using the Harris-Benedict equation and my recommended intake is 2357.87 (The only exercise I have at present is Golf)
As I am trying to lose weight, should I be aiming between 1900 & 2000 calories per day?

How about diet, do any of you have any experience when it comes to shift work?

When I am on night shifts (18:45 - 07:15) I normally wake up around 14:00 and have breakfast and a cuppa tea. This consists of either 2 slices white toast, butter and Jam normally. For lunch it will be 2 sandwiches (4 slices of bread) with ham, cheese, salad cream or coleslaw . Dinner will be pasta / chicken or whatever ready meal I pick up.

So as you can see, my diet sucks and I need help.

I have looked at the starters thread and the 3 training days will be no problem at all. The gym is 1.3 miles from my house and open from 06:00 - 22:00 so I have no excuse not too attend.

So, I guess my questions are:

1. Should I be aiming between 1900 & 2000 calories per day?

2. Supplements - should I? I see lots of for / against arguements but I will be pushing myself hard and will they help? If so, should I just start with Protein Shakes, Whey, something else?

3. How long do you leave between each set of 3 reps? 1 minute?

4. On rest days, am I allowed to go swimming / running or just lay off it totally?

5. Diet - the big issue for me! I love sweets and anything bad for me (love a kebab) but I can cook very well (trained chef many years ago)

6. Cuppa tea / Coffee - what are the allowances? I do love me a cuppa....


I understand I can eat lots of greens (Spinach, Broccoli, Peppers, Cucumber, Apples, Green Beans, celery, etc... which is fine, I like veg.
Carrots, bananas, plums, fresh fruit should only be eaten in 2 servings per average? How much is too much?

For my main meal, this should be quite easy, Chicken, Turkey, Fish, Steak, with potatoes / rice / wholewheat pasta?

So, what I am thinking for a meal plan for week 1:

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, piece of wheat toast and maybe a small amount of fruit? Or Oats with Semi milk, fruit juice.

Snack 1: Nuts / yoghurt

Lunch: Large salad with half a grilled chicken breast

Snack 2: More nuts / fruit OR Smoothie (with whey protein and fruit)

Main Meal: As per above - meat and veg :)

Snack 3: (If needed) Celery or Peanut butter.

Sorry if I have rambled on, I just want to get everything sorted ready for next week.
17 Jun 2003
1. Should I be aiming between 1900 & 2000 calories per day?

2. Supplements - should I? I see lots of for / against arguements but I will be pushing myself hard and will they help? If so, should I just start with Protein Shakes, Whey, something else?

3. How long do you leave between each set of 3 reps? 1 minute?

4. On rest days, am I allowed to go swimming / running or just lay off it totally?

5. Diet - the big issue for me! I love sweets and anything bad for me (love a kebab) but I can cook very well (trained chef many years ago)

6. Cuppa tea / Coffee - what are the allowances? I do love me a cuppa....

1. At 15 stone I think you could lose weight on more calories. Start at 2,500 on the days when you lift and 2,200 on rest days and see how you get on. Track everything for the first couple of weeks or until you can get a feel for it by using MyFitnessPal. Aim for at least 150g protein a day.

2. Don't bother with supplements until you have your diet in order. Completely pointless to do otherwise.

3. Sorry if I missed this, but what program are you planning on doing? Rest periods should depend on your goal:
Strength - 3 mins plus (I rest for 3 mins and up on squats, deads and bench even when I'm dieting)
Fat loss - 1 min or 30 seconds
Hypertrophy - 1-2 mins
(guideline only)

4. Start with weight training and gradually add in cardio. As you lose weight it can become harder to keep losing it, so the ability to add in more activity is valuable. I have lost more than 2 stone since October and what worked for me was getting my diet in order first; then starting to lift (1-2 weeks later) and then adding cardio (about 2 months in).

5. Your suggested diet looks sound enough. Don't be afraid of carbs, but just choose them from the right sources. Wholemeal bread, pasta, rice, sweet potato, potatoes = good. White bread, doughnuts, chocolate = bad. :) Track using MyFitnessPal so you can ensure you're eating around the right amount. There are so many different ways of "skinning the diet cat" in terms of amount of carbs, timing of nutrients etc, but the bottom line is still calories in vs calories out (at least in your situation). It might take a few weeks or even a few months to do this, but you need to find a routine and schedule which you enjoy and can stick to. There's no point in planning to eat chicken and broccoli every day if you don't like chicken or broccoli, or don't have the time to prepare it.

6. Drink as much coffee/tea as you like (as long as you're not adding cream!).
Man of Honour
3 Apr 2003
The guys have it... but bear in mind the calorie requirements are all estimates so you will have to flex them depending on how fast yiur are or are not trimming down.

Too fast and you will feel like rubbish and reach for the food. Too slow and you won't lose and get disheartened.
14 Sep 2007
Due to my shoulder/carpal tunnel problems, i've not been doing strict routines the last few weeks, just working out here and there as I feel up to it.

Hit a milestone today, squats @ 82.5kg for 4 reps, my current BW is 82.7KG, I consider that a 1xBW squat really pleased with myself, never managed to get that high before.
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