*** The 2015 Gym Rats Thread ***

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So quick question about deadlifts. A couple hours after working out yesterday my back felt a little sore nothing major, completely gone now. Would this be considered normal or is it most likely a form problem?
After some diet advice. Looking to drop my BF% from ~21 to ~15. Currently tracking calories via MFP and limiting daily net to 1700 (or thereabouts), not really seeing anything in the way of results though. Pointers>
Hey guys

Recently started on a workout routine and its going well. However what i'd now like to do is get an accurate reading of my bady fat on a regular basis. With this in mind do any of you have any experience with these sets of scales that measure this ? Would be great to see how things are going with regards to the visceral side of things now that i'm starting to look into the diet side of things too.

Budget not a problem and wasnt sure what to put in search box so thought i'd ask straight up front

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