Errrr... I basically designed it through a mix of frustration with my own form and a desire to get that leg pump feeling, whilst actually pushing hard for strength, squatting twice a week... It is also very proscriptive, giving me a target to hit each session (which does not am sit well with some training practices, but I work better that way).
It is basically:
- two squat sessions a week, with four sessions at each rep range;
- starting at 8*4 (reps*sets);
- 2.5kg increments each session;
- Depending on how aggressive you are will determine your starting point...
So, a 1RM of 150kg will yield (based on an aggressive rate):
W1S1: 8*4 (reps*sets) @ 90%8RM = 110kg
W1S2: 8*4 @ 112.5kg
W2S1: 8*4 @ 115kg
W2S2: 8*4 @ 117.5kg (1RM is around 146kg, so we need a 6RM equivalent... I tend to dial back 2.5kg from the 6RM)
W3S1: 6*4 @ 122.5kg
W3S2: 6*4 @ 125kg
W4S1: 6*4 @ 127.5kg
W4S2: 6*4 @ 130kg (161kg is 1RM, so a 3RM equivalent and then dial back 2.5kg)
W5S1: 3*4 @ 140kg (I add on 2 sets of 8s @60% the working weight of the triples)
W5S2: 3*4 @142.5kg
W6S1: 3*4 @ 145kg
W6S2: 3*4 @ 147.5kg
W7S1: 1RM test and reset
If you take a less aggressive rate, then using 8RM of 80% 1RM is min easier. However, the gains are half the aggressive rate, but you won't feel like you have been run over by a bus. I would also suggest running the aggressive one first and then follow it with an 80% cycle.
The 8s give you two weeks to get comfy with your pattern, and scale through to the triples.
Does it work? It works for me and is based on some not atrocious principles. It gives me enough leeway to do something other than squatting in my routine, too.
However, the first two weeks are HORRIBLE.
See how you find it... I would be curious to see how somebody else used it...