*** The 2017 Gym Rats Thread ***

Think I'm back to snap city, not a dramatic injury this time and I can't even pinpoint it to any event in particular. The tendon in my forearm/inside of my elbow just seems pretty shot at this point and it's been getting worse over last 4 weeks even with me taking a week off.

Affects just about everything though from pulling to push action, things like flies or any kind of dumbell curl action are just murder and feel like something is going to go. Pretty gutted as been making good progress but frankly expected seeing how I've been stuck training with someone with a routine that is not suited for me, nor do I enjoy. Should probably look at taking a break and getting the diet part down to a T.

That or this is just my body's way of saying I need to squat three times a week now ;)

Is it still sore when using straps with pulling exercises? I got a wrist injury from rugby and tried to go light/use straps to protect but didn't really get any better. Had to take 3 weeks off in the end to cure it. I do understand after a long lay off not wanting to take time off though.
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Is it still sore when using straps with pulling exercises? I got a wrist injury from rugby and tried to go light/use straps to protect but didn't really get any better. Had to take 3 weeks off in the end to cure it. I do understand after a long lay off not wanting to take time off though.

Seems pretty unaffected by straps, so long as I need to move the elbow, such as rows, the pain is there. It does seem to hurt a lot more on a row movement if the palms are facing me (so bicep curl action) than when they are facing away from me. Doing dumbbell rows when palms are facing the sides of the body is somewhere in between. Pain isn't in the elbow itself but the big tendon on the inside that connects to it, closest I can find about it is Golfer's Elbow and looks like a RICE job.

On a flipside doesn't seem to affect deadlift too much as you keep your arms straight. Would be a good time to run something like Smolov Jr. for squats but I highly doubt my body would survive in current condition! Regular press ups also seem ok but as I like do dumbbells for bench press, the stability in the arm also seems off and evidently weaker than the other side on the last few reps.

Think I can still tailor some kind of a new routine around it which mostly revolves around legs and up the cardio game on a bike and Stairmaster as current goal is to lose weight anyway. Could concentrate on the press ups as well with numerous programmes out there as I can barely squeeze 20 out at a time at the moment.
I want to start flinging bars around too but I can't front rack at all, not even close. I think my wrists and upper back are the problem children. Damn desk based lifestyle and cycling so much I guess

Yeah mine is still only 'just about okay'. I'd definitely need it to be better to actually jerk properly from the rack position... my internal rotation is great (hurrah, yoga) but my external rotation still needs a good bit of work!
Yeah mine is still only 'just about okay'. I'd definitely need it to be better to actually jerk properly from the rack position... my internal rotation is great (hurrah, yoga) but my external rotation still needs a good bit of work!

You probably have tight lats and pecs because you don't need external shoulder rotation for Olympic lifting (you actually need internal shoulder rotation).

Wrap a band about your elbows and hang it off something fixed, put your hands behind your head, and lean forward so that it pulls your elbows out and upward.

It is a horrible - but amazing - stretch (it is that crazy Chinese one but done with a band rather than a human).
Almost a certainty based off my 'can't bend my arms overhead without my elbows splaying' issue. With front squats/front rack I still have a bit of 'the claw' going on too but it's been decent enough to handle a x1.5 bw front squat nicely just before I went under the knife.

I'm all for loaded stretches too, really helped my... whatever this is.
I've not been to the gym for 3 weeks now :(

Twice when I got to the gym it was too full to do bench/squats like normal, so I went to do chins and straight away after my first set I got a throbbing pain at the back of my neck and behind my left eye. I don't know if it was because of the angle of my neck or if it's because I didn't warm up before. Usually I do chins last (3x10-12). I googled it and I think it was an exertion headache, so I went to the GP and he said to take a week off gym. Online advice said up to 2 months to let some brain blood vessel heal. I thought I'd try again after a month break since I need to let my lower back heal, it's been sore for a while from squats.
Just messing around seeing if I had the mobility to front squat and overhead squat. No real weight (80kg was the heaviest I went) but I'm actually tempted to add these to my training regime!


Not bad, although you pitch forward at the bottom... your back will get absolutely hammered, so tighten up those legs (and back).

And what do you want to overhead squat for? Are you dating a Crossfit chick or something?
Greetings from Sarajevo!
I've been absent from the thread over the last couple months due to the final buildup to exam finals. Not sure if anyone remembers, but I first started this journey in August 2013, waiting to go back to university in September and study medicine as a graduate. I was 58kg, a runner, slim and generally fit but weak. I started SL with an empty bar for all excercises at Muscle works gym in Bethnal Green, East London. The sole aim for working out was (and I kid you not) 'to look hench in scrubs' .

I received news today that I have passed my medical finals, and will be commencing work as a junior Dr at the Royal London. The course as a graduate was intense and depressing at times, and due to a lack of time and financial affordability I had to cut down my other hobbies. Weight lifting/power lifting really did keep me sane over the last four years.

Guess what I want to say is thanks to all the lads here who have helped me through this journey. Onwards and upwards.
Greetings from Sarajevo!
I've been absent from the thread over the last couple months due to the final buildup to exam finals. Not sure if anyone remembers, but I first started this journey in August 2013, waiting to go back to university in September and study medicine as a graduate. I was 58kg, a runner, slim and generally fit but weak. I started SL with an empty bar for all excercises at Muscle works gym in Bethnal Green, East London. The sole aim for working out was (and I kid you not) 'to look hench in scrubs' .

I received news today that I have passed my medical finals, and will be commencing work as a junior Dr at the Royal London. The course as a graduate was intense and depressing at times, and due to a lack of time and financial affordability I had to cut down my other hobbies. Weight lifting/power lifting really did keep me sane over the last four years.

Guess what I want to say is thanks to all the lads here who have helped me through this journey. Onwards and upwards.

Great success! Well done!

Now you have the job of being one of the few doctors that actually understands the musculoskeletal system. :cool:
Ive been doing 5x5 for a 4 weeks - past few days Im sometimes getting a sharp twinge in my lower back when I move in a certain way. Not sure if it was due to squats or deadlift as the pain didn't happen during the exercise.... Should I stop doing squats/deadlifts? Lower weight? Or continue on? Its fine mostly just these annoying sharp twinge feelings which happen occasionally...
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Ive been doing 5x5 for a 4 weeks - past few days Im sometimes getting a sharp twinge in my lower back when I move in a certain way. Not sure if it was due to squats or deadlift as the pain didn't happen during the exercise.... Should I stop doing squats/deadlifts? Lower weight? Or continue on? Its fine mostly just these annoying sharp twinge feelings which happen occasionally...

Go and see a physio. :)

And then sort your form/mobility out.
Not bad, although you pitch forward at the bottom... your back will get absolutely hammered, so tighten up those legs (and back).

And what do you want to overhead squat for? Are you dating a Crossfit chick or something?

Will do! Plus, you wouldn't believe how hard you've hit the nail on the head with the second part :eek:
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