*** The 2019 Gym Rats Thread ***

Personally I wouldn't be whacking it straight on for all working sets and definitely not warm up sets, yes they are useful but you'll be missing out on a good chunk of core development by jumping straight for it.

Ta will keep that in mind. I'm in the garage so nobody to give me a steer except the dog.
Ta will keep that in mind. I'm in the garage so nobody to give me a steer except the dog.
It's certainly tempting to overuse them as they make everything feel a little easier but in the same sort of way as using straps for anything involving grip you'll be missing out on developing a big part of the chain of becoming functionally strong.

Personally I tend you use mine if I'm right at the edge of my squat strength or if I'm really pushing my ohp. For deads I find them more of a hindrance and don't bother.
Haven't tried one for OHP although I have been struggling with that. Will lay off on squat and deadlift and see how I go. Generally finding the squat alright.
OHP is generally a slow burner and a lift where progress will be slow in comparison to other compounds.

This is my aim for the year. Get back into this condition think I was about 16.5st
2019 is starting to come together slowly for me, garage gym is now fully cleared out and useable again, guess this means I need to sort out a workout plan. Will post a pic up later.

Seem to be having same problem as before with deadlifts, grip giving out before anything else. I could strap but gotta fix that wet fish handshake I call a grip as 120kg is way too light for getting accessories involved.

Some suggestions for mixed grip. From personal experience I would suggest against this. While it will help you lift more weight because your grip isn't failing, it will also generate imbalances in your back muscles, even though I alternated the switched hand in what I thought was a regular and consistent manner, the imbalances that built up over a couple of years of training were mental.

Always go as far as you can with no straps, only using chalk (liquid chalk is great stuff link), after that either hook grip or straps. If you never intend to do any sort of power lifting competition then straps are fine, just only ever use them in your later sets, normally later working sets.

Just had my first failure on deadlifts on SL. 127.5kg just hit a wall on the 4th of my work set. Not helped by 4 inch belt niggling but that's no excuse! Ordered one of these on Fri https://mobilitytools.co.uk/shop/belts/modifit-retro-3-powerlifting-belt-hand-made-in-uk/ so if that is an excuse will find out soon enough.

Not sure if this has been said already but if you are doing stronglifts then it is advised you only do 3 working sets for deadlifts.
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Just finished up a week off and it was fantastic being able to train in the mid mornings as appose to evenings. Got so much more energy around 10ish and made marked improvements on my bench and squat weights.

Can totally see what you guys where talking about with regards to the addiction to activity now. Been at this for around 4 months now and am starting to see and feel some real changes in my body. Feels awesome!
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