Good games Loki, before I post the scores do you want to replay the second if the lag was that bad?
tbh mate it was ok and playable. Thanks for the offer but am happy for score to stand
end to end stuff we should have some more friendlies!
I agree. Good games there. Absolutely gutted i lost! Been on good form recently and cannot believe I lost the tie overall. I'm far too hard on myself whenever I lose.Arrgghh. Anyway!
I'll send you a message next time I am free on PSN.
Jonny - I'm gonna forfeit my games and let ash through - can't get any response from my team when we played first half of first game - literally no player movement until a second later...
Guess it's something my end as it took a fair few goes to get past the sticky team select bug - with me trading in this week I doubt I'll be back up by the deadline too...
GL ash - sorry I didn't finish games - obvious on my end it was pointless...
I have said this to you already ps3ud0, but so the rest of the players see it too...
I'd rather not accept a forfeit until the very last moment, because there are players who have missed out on being in knock out stage A and would have liked the place, so it is a little unfair on them for someone to forfeit on the first round.
so, I'd rather give you some more time, try your games again at some point, I know you might be able to fit it in tomorrow if time allows, or I would extend the deadline a little if needs be, so just keep us in the know and if deadline day arrives and you are not going to be available for some time then I will accept the forfeit as a very last option.
Hope everyone else is ok with this...
Sorry, just come back from football.. I'm available after the arsenal game?