The Air Rifles & Pistols thread

Fair enough.

Really want a Theoben MFR and a Steyr Hunter next.

What scopes are everyone using, my faveourite at the minute is my Falcone Menace first focal plane scope.
Just a cheapo Hawke 3-9x40 at the moment but hoping to get something a bit better that has mildots at some point.

There was a Hawke scope that was regarded as a really good bang for buck scope for around £150 or so a while back. I think it was called the Varmint, but not 100% sure on that. I think I might pick one up soon after doing a bit of research to see if they are still decent.
The SR range is pretty good for airguns. Takes a little figuring out (use chairgun or BRC) add your pellet weight and chrono your rifle and you can pretty much predict downrange energy and poi.
There's better scopes, but in all fairness hawke makes some very reasonable priced kit.
My evo has an SR6 3-12x44 AO on it and it does very well.
I would go for a single shot rifle then and S400. Loading mags constantly at the target range gets annoying fast. Or get a rifle that offers both single shot and a magazine.
Have you looked at the Air Arms TX range? They are very similar to the HW97 but have delrin rings on the piston, something which costs a lot to get done to a HW97.

Both are great rifles though and I'm sure you will be happy with a HW97, I love mine :).
Only briefly handled a TX200, quite nice too. Ive shot with a mates HW97K and really liked it, nice handling rifle and the trigger felt very good.
Well a friend of mine's got the TX200 and when we compared it with my Pro Sport he was hard pressed but liked the more minimalist design mine has with the hidden under-lever however I've not fired a HW97k in years so can't really compare to that but it was from memory a very nice rifle.
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