The Air Rifles & Pistols thread

can you get any of these pistols without being into airsoft?

I would like one just to tinker in my back garden with some targets. Nothing more. Just used to do that with pellet pistols and rifles when I was a kid (some 30 years ago).

My dad used to have quite a few. Including a gorgeous feinwerkbau rifle. As well as a Crossman pistol that you pumped the underslung piece of wood front thing to put pressure into it. Would love to get something like that as would remind me of my childhood days.

Any advice? especially on the crossman

in fact just found it, this is what I remember it as.
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can you get any of these pistols without being into airsoft?

I would like one just to tinker in my back garden with some targets. Nothing more. Just used to do that with pellet pistols and rifles when I was a kid (some 30 years ago).

My dad used to have quite a few. Including a gorgeous feinwerkbau rifle. As well as a Crossman pistol that you pumped the underslung piece of wood front thing to put pressure into it. Would love to get something like that as would remind me of my childhood days.

Any advice? especially on the crossman

in fact just found it, this is what I remember it as.

Most of the pistols on this thread are air-pistols (firearms in the eyes of the law) and as such can be purchased by anyone over the age of 18. It's only air-soft pistols (realistic imitation firearms) that have the restrictions placed on them. The law is quite bizarre at times :rolleyes::D

That Crosman you have linked to is an air-pistol, so get it bought :) (I can't comment on that particular pistol with regard to quality and if it's a fair price though).
I'm not keen on those Crossman pistols, they look really cheap and plasticy. Plus you have to pump them 10 times for full power, which I could see becoming a bit of a chore during a plinking session.

They still make them today. The one in that advert is an old one in good condition, hence the price. I'm sure you will get a newer one second hand for less if you want to go for one of these.

For a recoilless single shot pistol I'd recommend a Webley Alecto, although they are a little more expensive than the Crossman at £200 new or about £100 -£150 second hand.

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I'm thinking about getting a bipod for my Gamo Hornet. There is one on JSR for £20 that looks ok, is this going to be better than resting my arm on my knee? :) Do they stick to the surface so that you can aim up and down as if you were holding it?

Also, I'm coming up 1000 shots, what should I use to clean and lube the rifle? :D
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Air rifles

My son is 12 years old next week and would like an air rifle, I have no idea where to look, what am I looking for or how much to spend for a good safe rifle. He has done shooting a few times with scouts. Any help or ideas would be great, thanks.
What kind of kid is he? If he's a massive chav, don't do it. If he's very responsible, wont be led astray by friends, and will only use the gun under your supervision, then it should be fine.

If I was you, I'd visit a local agricultural shop that sells shotguns and things, they'll also sell air rifles and will be able to give good advice, and let you actually check the build quality etc.
I kind of agree with the second post. I had an air rifle when younger. They are still very symbolic tools. Put your foot down and say no.
You've a couple of dedicated gun shops near you in Great Yarmouth - Youngmans and Pownall's

Both are worth a visit and will be able to give you some sound advice.

What kind of shooting does your lad want to do? Paper punching and tin can plinking I assume? Where will you shoot the gun? Do you have a safe area to do so? Safety is paramount :)

A cheap 2nd hand spring powered gun will be fine to start off with - you'll want an easy to c0ck gun if he is to c0ck it himself - maybe budget a vouple of hundred quid for a gun and a basic 4x32 telescopic sight. Should be enough to get him started! He can always spend more if he really gets into it :)

As has been stated - he can only ever use it under adult supervision at that age, and for all intents and purposes, the gun will belong to you.
Big question to ask (ask a shooter myself...)

Why does he want the air rifle and what/when will he shoot with it? If there are not SOLID answers to both these questions, don't do it!

Keep an eye on the law. Something in the back of my brain is pointing at 14 being the yougest age he can own/use an air rifle unsupervised, but that depends on if my brain is remembering facts right and if those facts haven't changed. Probably have!

If you do want one, speak to the local shooting school/gun smith. They are great fun, a great intro to the sport and are safe (if done right!)

If you do get him one get a trigger lock at least; even if you hide the pellets they can be easy to get so the rifle needs to be secure.

I've not had a rifle or shotgun of any sort since my oldest was born; , refused to have them around my kids. Now they are getting older im going back to shooting; going to get a pre-charged to start with. Don't think ill go back to shotguns unless clays renew their appeal to me. When I get new rifle ill be keeping it far away from my over-enthusiastic oldest son, at my mums place.
Great to see the responsible replies so far in this thread. I can only imagine how this thread would have looked like if it was an American forum, OP would probably be accused of trying to raise his son as a homosexual for not buying a "real" gun :D
He is so not a Chav, the complete opposite! Thanks for the shop names, I'll go in for a chat.

Apologies if my post came across as rude, but I think you know what I mean. I'm sick of hearing stories of young kids shooting cats and terrorising the local population!

It sounds like you've got a good one however, and that you're doing it the correct way. Good luck and have fun!:)
good advice. i remember being so bloody irresponsible with my mate who had one with a sniper scope on. he was a sick puppy though and loved shooting animals. i was more interested in shooting him with it ;)
Persons under the age of 14:
1) No person under the age of 14 may purchase, hire or be given an airgun or ammunition.
2) A person under the age of 14 must at all times when shooting be supervised by a person over the age of 21.

Basically buy it for yourself and only let him have access to it under your supervision.
Hi, just got back into the hobby myself after a very long spell away. Here's a little information on Airgun law uk....

You may also want to check the air rifles and pistols thread on here, these guys can really advise on what would be the best setup for your son.

Here's my SMK Synxs with a 4x32 scope at only £100 brand new so you don't have to pay out a small fortune to get a suitable gun. This rifle is really a junior rifle so something along these lines would be really good.


By spankingtexan at 2012-07-28
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My son is 12 years old next week and would like an air rifle, I have no idea where to look, what am I looking for or how much to spend for a good safe rifle. He has done shooting a few times with scouts. Any help or ideas would be great, thanks.

How much are you willing to spend, would be a good start. Also, Springer, PCP is a big choice.
Under 14

You can

use an air rifle under supervision on private premises with permission from the occupier - normally the owner or tenant. The person who supervises you must be at least 21 years old.

You cannot

buy, hire or receive an air rifle or its ammunition as a gift, or shoot, without adult supervision.

Parents or guardians who buy an air rifle for use by someone under 14 must exercise control over it at all times, even in the home or garden.
You can get cheap junior rifles from Gamo or SMK for £60-80. They are easy to **** and have lower power than the full sized ones which may be desirable.
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