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Want to try increase strenght and gain no muscle on my legs now. Is the 5x5 routine what I need?

Jeans + slightly hot weather + thighs touching is quite uncomforatble and I'm not in it for massive legs.

Hey guys i have just started back at the gym this week with my main goal to lose a good bit of fat as I am skinny fat, it all goes to my ass and stomach :mad:. So i have decided to get of my ass and do something about it. At the minute im doing cardio (20 mins HIIT Treadmill, 20mins cross Trainer).

Im also looking to do a weights routine on a 3 day split:

monday - chest/tri's
wednesday - back, shoulders
Friday - legs, biceps

The routine i was thinking of:

BB bench press (12, 10, 8, 6, 4) Increasing weight
DB Bench press (12, 10, 8, 6, 4)
Incline DB BP
Lying tricep extension (cable)
Tricep pull down (cable)
Close grip bench press

BB Shoulder Press
Dead lifts
close grip lateral pull down
wide grip lateral pull down

leg press
Calf raise
BB bicep curl
DB Hammer curls

All those lifts i will be doing 12, 10 ,8, 6, 4

Is this ok or too much? Feel free to give any advice because i need it:D. Today in the gym i did mondays routine and i found it ok but i think i need to push myself a bit more and up the intensity.

What are good supplements to take? I know fish oils are recommended but whats the difference between cod liver oil and the omega 3 fish oil caps? Should i take some whey even tho im trying to cut my body fat?

I work in boots and get discount on vitamins and supplements, does it matter what brands of Glucosamine and multi vits and fish oil i buy? boots do all the branded ones such as centrum, seven seas etc?

My aim is to learn the lifts and get good form then when im happy with my fat loss start bulking up.

Sorry for all the questions, but i want to stick at my training this time and do it right ;).

Oh and my diet is pretty good atm.

Typical day:
9.00 Breakfast - Cereal/porridge
1000 Training
12pmlunch -Tuna(full tin) sandwhich (wholemeal)/ eggs 2rounds wholemeal
3pm - Chicken(full breast) & bacon(grilled) sandwhich
6pm dinner- steak/pork/chicken/beef with veg & potatoes
9pm - 2round wholemeal toasted 2slices of ham
11 - glass of milk
Want to try increase strenght and gain no muscle on my legs now. Is the 5x5 routine what I need?

Jeans + slightly hot weather + thighs touching is quite uncomforatble and I'm not in it for massive legs.


You need to do explosive movements and isometrics for strength. Low reps high weights with vigour.
Today another medley day - felt good though.

More RC work 3 sets of 6 exercises x15 reps.



Not able to beat my PB today unfortunately but I did do a lot of volume to be fair.



Kept these light and concentrated on a very slow lowering movement and held the bar for about 3 secs. Boy did it give me a burn!!!

I then did some bicep and tricep work - but this is not very interesting...

Single arm preachers
Reverse ez-bar curls

Single arm cable pull down
Single arm overhead extensions

Fun little session today. Leg day tomorrow - can't wait! :D
Mondays workout back to my old routine.


30kg x3x5
50kg x3x5
70kg x3x5
90kg x2x5
115kg 3x5

overhead press

47.5kg 5x5


50kg 3x5
70kg 3x5
90kg 3x5
120kg 3x5

3xf chin ups

weighted prone bridges

15 mile bike ride later on, feeling well knackered today :D
Sorry yes, as in, full range of motion, slow controlled reps, explosive up, slow on the way down, high weight low reps, but lots and lots of it. i.e. say maybe 8 sets, 3-4 reps each, very short breaks between them. Do a minimum of 3 exercises like this.
Sorry yes, as in, full range of motion, slow controlled reps, explosive up, slow on the way down, high weight low reps, but lots and lots of it. i.e. say maybe 8 sets, 3-4 reps each, very short breaks between them. Do a minimum of 3 exercises like this.

Ah i see, could imagine prolapsing or something ( :p :o ) if I tried to jump up a squat with what I consider a heavy weight.

I reckon that sounds good, so I'll try an 8x3-4 of 100kg (currently do that weight for 5x5) next time I'm in the gym.

Cheers :)

I'm thinking of only doing legs once a week also, as I currently do everything three times a week.
Because you can get these wrist straps so tight around your wrist that your wrists aren't doing anything just locked in straight.

EDIT: Just re-read that. I'm talking about those gloves with wrist wrap straps in not lifting straps, which maybe you are?

sorry yes, i was thinking just the straps.
though even wrist wraps are ok (if not used for everyset!)

cant say ive seen anyone use gloves with combined wrist wraps!
FF...can you expand on this...

Today another medley day - felt good though.

More RC work 3 sets of 6 exercises x15 reps.

Ive still got RC/shoulder problems myself...allthough its ponly seems to be affecting chest work exercises now. What exercises are you doing to help strengthen? Also...are you doing them before every workout session?
Yup I do them before every workout session and sometimes at home.

1) Lie on your left hand side, grab a small weight (2.5kg) with right hand holding weight flat against belly. Pull shoulder from the center of the spine back, to pull the whol scapula back, then raise your hadn with the weight keeping your upper arm in contact with your side at all times. Raise it as high as is comfortable without losing form. Do this 15x then do other shoulder.

A test that you're doing it right is with the other arm that you're lying on, bring in front of your chest to test to see if your traps are activated, if you're doing it properly there should be no trap activation at all.

2) Lie on your front, with a 2~3kg medicine ball (small one size of a football) and with your shoulder out at 90 degs, place your hand on top of the ball, and then "write the alphabet" - i.e. roll the ball around in all planes of motion - I say alphabet so that it gives you enough different movements/motions. Do this for both hands.

3) Lying face down on a bench, grab a small weight (2.5kg) and arm out at 90deg to body,pivoting only on the shoulder, bend elbow at 90 deg too, pick weight up off floor, rotating through shoulder to lift weight off floor to a height that feels comfy. Again no activation of traps is important. You need to squeeze deep inside your shoulder blade to bring the shoulder back and force the RC to be used. Always use light weights for RC exercises.

4) Press ups on swiss ball. Very slow controlled movements, you need to make sure your body is really compensating for the "twitches". Another angle to do is against a wall.

5) Small medicine ball 2~3kg arm at at 90 deg, and again 90deg bend at elbow, stand 6inches or so away from wall, throw and "bounce" the ball against wall. Like playing basketball, but against the wall. Your body shouldn't be moving and it should be a very short small movement.

6) Use a physio band (stretchy rubber thing) attach low down somewhere and do so slow side raises, slow front raises, inner rotations (as opposed to outer rotations you did on the first exercise)

That's about it. It's hard to describe without showing really.

That'll be £40 please.
Hehe...thanks....I undertstand a few and Ill work the rest of them out at home later :)
I definitley need to start doing these to help now...seems to be taking ages to fully heal.
I can finally do a wide grip pull-up :p

I can only do 3 :( so I'm sticking to BORs for now. Well done though whenever I get a lil better or manage another one, I'm always really chuffed.

Speaking of which was back day today.

Did a quick warm up and then got into my Dead lifts:

60 x 8
70 x 8
75 x 8 (last weeks pb)
77.5 x 8
80 x 8 (this weeks pb :D)

Was gonna push for 85 because I wanted to go to fail but my knees were feeling a bit weak and exhausted.

Then Just moved onto BORs

30 x 8
35 x 8
40 x 8
45 x 8
47.5 x 6

Left it there, really tired and sweaty now, off for a shower, very proud of how well my dead lift is coming along though :D
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